Bond Butte Pond 2023


Been fishing the Bond Butte pond every so often throughout the winter. It's starting to get into nice shape. Weeds are low but developing. Water temp is up to 50-51 degrees. Water level is as high as I've seen it. Water up into the brush all around the perimeter, and lots of 6-7ft depths.

Fish aren't super active, but I've been managing a nice bass or two each time out. A few more degrees and things should get good as their metabolisms start up and they head into the spawn. Interestingly, I haven't caught any of the 6-9" bass that seems to be everywhere last summer.

Wish there was a second species that had a good fishery going on. Seems to be just bass and small sunfish. I haven't found the catfish or crappie that are rumored to be in here. I like to have a couple things to fish for in a lake/pond/river and this seems to be lots of bass (lots) and not much else.
I've read that larger bass become willing to hit a bait first as temps warm in the Spring. Something about body mass to surface area relationship and metabolism. The theory would explain your absence of small bass so far. I bet you will start catching them after the water warms.
I would second what Snopro said. In cold water it is more common to catch bigger fish. I would fish until lakes iced up in PA and once the water got into the lows 50s my catch rate would go down but the quality would be through the roof. Around here the early bit on the Willamette or Columbia also follow that pattern. Fewer but better fish. Sounds like Bond Butter is following the normal way of things.
Did I happen to meet you out there? I'm in the red truck with the ladder rack.

I've fished it a couple times now with varying success. Got caught out there in a good wind storm but it paid off


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Wasn't there today, went up to try the freeway lakes. No luck, but spring is getting Close and I did dodge the storms. Saw several vehicles in the parking lot, haven't had much competition out there for the the past couple months. Guess that's changing now. Need the salmon to get upriver and distract some people.
spent two hours on the pond this afternoon for one 11" bass. Water was 51/52 deg at the surface, weeds starting to grow.

Last year at this time water was 57/58, weeds were visible near the surface in spots and it was hard to drag a #7 rapala more than 50' without a 7-9" largemouth going for it. We must be at least 2-3 weeks later than last year in our springboard progression
I would agree, if anything maybe even later. My only hope is the bigger reservoirs stay full all summer
Got to meet kemfish! Highlight of the trip though as the fish weren't cooperative, I know Saturday there were a couple dozen people out there so I'm sure it was hammered. Fished about 1-4pm, seems like the sun came out as soon as I parked the kayak in the garage


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After talking to NKlamerus for a bit, which was interesting with us being blown in circles and into the bank by the wind, I proceded to get hammered by wind and rain for a bit. Then it paid off with this monster.


The fish actually did turn on bit. Caught a 17" and 13" which is okay plus 12 7-10" fish. First time the little guys have shown up this year and I'm going to take that as a good sign that the pond is starting to come to life despite the unseasonal weather. Another kayaker says he had a 4lber during the same period I was working over the yearlings
Surprisingly not a lot of weeds, just a lot of pressure. People in every corner, probably 6+ boats and kayaks

I went out to test some new setups, and was able to pick up two fish in a lap. One healthy post spawn female


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went out for a couple afternoon hours. Weeds are to the surface pretty much all the way around the edge of the pond, starting to see them in the rest of the water too. Water had a lot of color, not turbid just colored.
Fishing was fine for the heat of the afternoon. Had a blast catching the little guys on light tackle and caught a couple quality fish to 3lbs. Probably lost my two best fish to the weeds and a well timed jump.
Had some luck last trip! Weeds are still surprisingly low


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Well I lost my first Swimbait here a few weeks back, did everything I could to get it back but no success.


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Fishing has been great though, weeds aren't too terrible because the algae is so bad right now


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