Bobber fishing the Slaw

Met up with RWS and Tdikey this am and poorly attempted to bobber fish the Siuslaw below Mapleton today. There were fish rolling, but there was not much going on. we saw only one fish boated by a troller from daylight til aprox 1:30.
We may have actually gotten bit if I would have been able to sit in one place long enough, but ADD gets the better of me and if there isn't some kind of action I MOVE.....
When we took the boat out we headed up above the influence of tide and fished a couple of slots for an hr or so. The water is really low so I wasn't very hopeful.
The first place we stopped, I showed RWS a slot I like to fish and decided to float some roe just above him. No takers....I rigged up the drift rod with a piece of lead about the size of a split shot crimped on the tag end at my swivel, an 18 or so inch leader to a 2/0 hook with a dab of chartreusse yarn in the egg loop and some roe. Tossed it into the soft current and kind of "helped" it drift down though the slot. Broke off 2 or three times, re-tied and kept at it...There were fish(mostly dark)rolling above and below us. I lobbed the eggs out there and my line stops...I lift the tip of the rod to see if its bottom and feel the rubber band like action of a fish and set the hook...Fish on...
The salmon runs around for a few minutes and I coax her into one of the smaller channels where RWS tails it. Decent little hen full of berries...BONUS
We fished here for a few more minutes with no more action and then headed up stream to check out another hole a friend has been having success at.
RWS hooks a coho in the few minutes we were there....then it was time to go I had to be home to go to the Dr.
Turned out to be a pretty decent day, met a new fishing partner, got some roe and went for a boat ride...
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Niceeeee. Ive kinda given up over there. Get harassed everytime, not worth it, but it is fun to fish low. I spent the day in bed waiting for death instead, I know, you're all's okay.
Nice Fish sounds like a good day on the water yesterday was gorgeous. I really need to take time to explore the slaw means how its the closest fall salmon fishery to my house. It just seems like a heavely pressured system. Especially for a bank bound angler. How are the crowds? Which side of the river would be my best bet? Seems like most the reports I'v read suggest most the fish go up the lake creek side. I have also heard of a spot in Florence off Rhododendron Rd. that is supposed to be worth checking out. So many fish so little time. Would appreciate any info thanks.
Niceeeee. Ive kinda given up over there. Get harassed everytime, not worth it, but it is fun to fish low. I spent the day in bed waiting for death instead, I know, you're all's okay.

Yeppers! :D You can bet your fishing allowance on that....nyuck...nyuck...nyuck! :lol: :lol:
:yay: :yay:
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