Blond Steelhead fishing

Well-known member
This one just in from my son: Hear about the three Blonds Steelhead fishing? They were back bouncing magnets.

(no offence to our blonde OFF fisherwomen. We love you all!)
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Did they catch anything???

lol good stuff!
OnTheFly said:
Are you a blond?:lol:

lol, i sense a bit of sarcasm:lol:
what type of magnets? Were they painted like an egg cluster?

I'm going to have to remember that joke for a later Steelhead trip.
NO thats not how the joke goes.

There are 3 blondes fishing on a river. The game warden comes up to them and says "can I see whats on your lines Ladies?"
so they say yess and reel in and the warden notices that they have magnets attached to the lines. so then he says
"theres nothing illeagle about using magnets so ok thank you"
When he leaves the blondes start laughing and say
"Stupid game warden, Dosent he know that there are Steelhead Trout in the river"

i like the first posts way better. Simple, easy to remember, a blonde could tell it. :P lol
In the orginal post who said the blonds were women?

Married to a very successful blond :)
Very good

Very good

bass said:
In the orginal post who said the blonds were women?

Married to a very successful blond :)

:clap: Well said...:clap:

Be safe.
I'm surprised the blondes could operate the reels. Bouncing on their backs is a natural talent for blondes. :lol:
That is rich, I like it. Very Funny!:clap:
tell me about it!

tell me about it!

I work with 3 blonde haired norwegians and a swede...... its hard to even get good coffee sometimes!:shock:
I like the second version better.
Dichrofisher said:
I'm surprised the blondes could operate the reels. Bouncing on their backs is a natural talent for blondes. :lol:

Ahhhhh...Lol Good one Dichro. Blondes on their backs...I like it!
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