Big Moby
I was out this weekend on the C with a couple of buddies. We ended up going 3-5, 2 were non clipped. After the fog lifted we were astonished at how many people were out there. After about 2 hours with no take downs we started questioning our tactics. I noticed that about every person out there was fishing a Delta flasher and a plug cut. We decided to mix it up a bit. One guy rigged a hole herring and a dodger. the other kept the original rig and I added a 3" peice of tubing a plastic clevis and a small raimbow blade. Within 20 minutes I landed the first, nate
Long story short 3 of the 5 on the bladed herring. the other 2 were on the whole herring.
Don't be afraid to try something different!

Long story short 3 of the 5 on the bladed herring. the other 2 were on the whole herring.
Don't be afraid to try something different!