Blades + herring = springers!

Big Moby
I was out this weekend on the C with a couple of buddies. We ended up going 3-5, 2 were non clipped. After the fog lifted we were astonished at how many people were out there. After about 2 hours with no take downs we started questioning our tactics. I noticed that about every person out there was fishing a Delta flasher and a plug cut. We decided to mix it up a bit. One guy rigged a hole herring and a dodger. the other kept the original rig and I added a 3" peice of tubing a plastic clevis and a small raimbow blade. Within 20 minutes I landed the first, nate:confused:.

Long story short 3 of the 5 on the bladed herring. the other 2 were on the whole herring.

Don't be afraid to try something different!
I've moved away from the flashers. I don't even use them for silvers in the ocean anymore. For the last two year for Columbia springer I use whole herring with a nose clip in front of that I run a small a clam shell or Colorado blade about the size of my thumb nail. I brine the herring so they hold up and shine. I run an eight to ten inch dropper on a slider and do not use the standard spreader. I like the nose clip because I get a good roll each time. I tie the mooching rig so the top hook is a slider so I can put the hook right where I want it. Other folks perfer plug cuts and flashers. That's the cool thing about fishing, you get to choose the rig you want and this one works for me. I'm not saying this is the best rig it's just what I like. Plug cut hering has probably caught more fish than anything else out there over the years. I'm with you when it comes to trying something different.;)
useful information. You had 5 take downs in one day you're doing much better than everyone else.
Oh man, we had 5in the morning, and two more that stuck later on, totaling 7 takedowns on blades above plug cuts. If the fish are hungry they will eat! Haha, but it has been either hit, or miss for us Springer fishin this year. Mostly hits though, but that is attributed to the pilot.
Irishrover said:
I've moved away from the flashers. I don't even use them for silvers in the ocean anymore. For the last two year for Columbia springer I use whole herring with a nose clip in front of that I run a small a clam shell or Colorado blade about the size of my thumb nail. I brine the herring so they hold up and shine. I run an eight to ten inch dropper on a slider and do not use the standard spreader. I like the nose clip because I get a good roll each time. I tie the mooching rig so the top hook is a slider so I can put the hook right where I want it. Other folks perfer plug cuts and flashers. That's the cool thing about fishing, you get to choose the rig you want and this one works for me. I'm not saying this is the best rig it's just what I like. Plug cut hering has probably caught more fish than anything else out there over the years. I'm with you when it comes to trying something different.;)

nice! I like the clip idea. I have never used one. I think with 300+ boats out there something different is always worth a shot.
Nose clip

Nose clip

We used to use those things out of Bellingham, Wa 25 years ago. Add two micro spinners to it and you have a killer.:clap:
Mr. B said:
We used to use those things out of Bellingham, Wa 25 years ago. Add two micro spinners to it and you have a killer.:clap:

Adding another blade would be darn easy think I'll give it a try!
Try Thin Twins above yer baits too. We did it on our Prawners, and have been brutalizing fish when the big dam isn't just pumpin bucket of debris filled water.
Thats my willy killer right there, herring and blades! Run k-15's on big C, not a dodger fan!

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