Best set up for smallmouth???

Just wondering what people use for smallmouth around here. What are some of your set ups that you use. I was thinking of going to Hagg on Sunday.
my go to set up is drop-shot robo worms or throughin jerk baits
I only fish river bass but I get all mine in Rapala
Hagg Smallies

Hagg Smallies

Rapala floating minnow in silver/black or rainbow or perch, Rapala taildancer in blue shad or hot green or silver/black, Wee Wart in bluegill or fire tiger, BeetleSpins in white or chartruese, and a variety of grubs,wienie worms and tubes rigged weedless and slow dragged on the bottom have been my top producers at Hagg lake and just about everywhere else as well;)
Know of some spots at Hagg lake that are good for the smalls......
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Jerrys grubs and gitzits seem to work on any stretch of water
3 inch senkos, 4 inch senkos, roboworms, lipless cranks, grubs
Best set up for bass... is the one that works. :cool:
I havent found that one though. :think:
Rapala For Bass in Rivers, But I heard Super Flukes work good.
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