Best king report ever!!!!!


Well-known member
Oregon salmon fishermen have become quite used to dissapointing reports or info so I thought I would try to put some smiles on some faces. An influx of frigid water know as the PACIFIC DECADAL OSCILLATION began in the fall of 2007 ( similar to the el-nino but better ) This God given naural occurance comes in sets of 5-30 yr trends, we have been in a negative trend since the early 80's give or take a few one year fluxes... This current trend appears to be a long term outlook. Colder water moving in from the gulf of Alaska spikes the growth of phytoplankton that in turn spikes the feed for copepods which in turn has the coast brimming with krill and other food for anchovies and herring, and in turn salmon rockfish and lingcod ( halibut is low due to a destruction of habitat, this won't help) 2008 trawl surveys saw an increase of 2.4 times as many juvenile chinook than in the last 11 years... and this trend will continue most likely for at least five years and could be as much as thirty. Now on a dissapointing note, coho juveniles were at a dissapointing low, most likely becouse they are affected more from inland conditions than its relative the chinook.:pray:


where is this report at? I'd like to read on it a bit.

info on the regime shift of PDO, Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
The trawl surveys are available throught the nmfs website.
And Kodiak, since chinook can return anywhere from 1-8 yr cycles you could see more fish this year, but with most fish returning in 4-5 yr cycles you have 2-3 more years to see a major run increase.... but its nice to know the futer may be brighter than the recent past.

" 60% of the time it works everytime! "
That's great news. Thanks Halibuthitman. Think I'll name my next boat PACIFIC DECADAL OSCILLATION -0.6 then it will alway be there when I'm out there on the salt.;)

Sounds like Yogi Berra " 60% of the time it works everytime! " :lol:
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