beautiful weekend at olallie

I headed up on Friday to Olallie - lots of fish and the weather was perfect.

Saw a few of those huge mamas that beaverfan talked about jumping all over the place, but couldn't land one. The best fishing for me was in the morning both days. As soon as the water warmed up, the fish got lazy for the most part. Had the most luck and landed my biggest one (16") on a dark rooster tail while wading about 6 feet from shore. Everyone I saw fishing from the banks was having pretty good luck on Saturday.

Sunday became harder to fish due to blustery conditions. I tried fishing the peninsula and got hammered by the wind. Also the ants were EVERYWHERE out there.

I also threw out a couple of salmon eggs as an experiment on a 1 oz slider/flash and got bites almost every cast. You can get out about 200-250 feet using those sliders and reach deep water.

The crowds took over the camping around Olallie but I stayed down the road at Triangle Lake where the horse camp is and had the entire place to myself. All in all, I am wishing I was still up there. I kept 10 nice sized bows and I didn't want to come back home. One bit of advice if you camp up there any time soon - take more bug spray than you think you'll need!!! :shock:
Great post nice pictures. I like that pan you have your fish in. It looks handy and looks like it would last a person a lifetime. Glade you had a good time and survived the bugs.
Very nice, always a beautiful spot to go! In fact I was going to head up early tomorrow morning but afraid this heat might have the water too warm even in the early AM.


I just got back from Olallie, fishing was dead in the middle of the day and slow in the morning, but really picked up right before dark around the shore. Had good results bottom fishing with orange powerbait about 100' from the shoreline. Caught 3 rainbows around 12-14" in under 15 minutes. Just make sure you bring the bugspray, LOTS of gnats and mosquitoes. Also, the resort/cabins/store is still closed, the new caretaker said he hoped to have it opened up in around a month. Didn't get above 90 out there, which was also nice given the heat of the past few days.
i have rarely seen the bugs swarming as bad as they were up there! i'm guessing that's one of the reasons the horse camp was so empty. nice to hear that the heat wasn't too bad and you still caught fish!

beaverfan, i might join you up there again after this heat wave dies down a bit...


Never been to olallie and know very little about it other than there's signs pointing in that direction from Timothy... are motorized boats allowed there?
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