Bat on a fly line

Well-known member
Two years ago I was on my pontoon boat fishing during an evening rise. Adult midge flys were all over the place and the trout didn't hesitate to pick them off. I tried to match up with a Griffith Gnat. I was able to pick up a couple but it was tough fishing because of all the natural competition. With only about a half hour of fishable light left, I noticed bats cruising just above the water. I continued to fish and during a forward cast something struck my line before it hit the water and dragged it hard to my left. Through the fading light, I saw this thing fluttering on the surface. I reeled in and pulled it up with my net and it was a friggin Bat! I rowed to shore where our camp was and, with the bat still in the net, I checked it out with a flash light. The fly was no longer attached to the bat and a moment later it made a move and took off and was gone.

I can't claim I made a good presentation with a fly because bats are blind!
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OnTheFly said:
Two years ago I was on my pontoon boat fishing during an evening rise. Adult midge flys were all over the place and the trout didn't hesitate to pick them off. I tried to match up with a Griffith Gnat. I was able to pick up a couple but it was tough fishing because of all the natural competition. With only about a half hour of fishable light left, I noticed bats cruising just above the water. I continued to fish and during a forward cast something struck my line before it hit the water and dragged it hard to my left. Through the fading light, I saw this thing fluttering on the surface. I reeled in and pulled it up with my net and it was a friggin Bat! I rowed to shore where our camp was and, with the bat still in the net, I checked it out with a flash light. The fly was no longer attached to the bat and a moment later it made a move and took off and was gone.

I can't claim I made a good presentation with a fly because bats are blind!

I hooked a bat once too while fly fishing at dusk. Luckily I was using a barbless hook and it got loose.
Cool story! When I was a little guy, I remember my pops tellin me a story kinda like this one. Though the story is probably unfit for OFF:lol:.
Special stamp...

Special stamp...

Does this type of fly angling require a special stamp; also what wt. fly rod do you suggest?;)

Troutski said:
Does this type of fly angling require a special stamp; also what wt. fly rod do you suggest?;)


As far as I know, there is no limit on bats and if I had to do it again I would use lighter gear. The bat was no match for my 5wt
Some years ago a buddy and I, while on the deschutes, had a go with bat angling. The first run was ill conceived when my buddies tippet was too long and he had no control of the furry critter.

We stood at the rivers edge and false casted large fluffy patterns and the bats were all over them. On my buddies first hook up w/ the long tippet caused him to scream like a school girl when it smacked him in the face and back of the head while hooked up. What I remember most was his silhouette as he ran screaming towards the camp site and through the camp fire. It was surreal; his screaming , embers dancing and and end of his fly rod being pulled in all directions.

My attempt was less frightening as I opted for a leader that kept the bat away from my head.

I believe we both used 5wts, a #4 tippet and a portly pattern. I don't recall if we actually tied a enticement specifically for bats, or we just used the fattest patterns we had on hand.
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Rabies anyone? Endangered species of bats are really common. If it happens by accident, oops. But on purpose c'mon that is really bad! It is called fishing hence you go for fish!
TTFishon said:
I hooked a bat once too while fly fishing at dusk. Luckily I was using a barbless hook and it got loose.

I'm amazed on how many people have actually caught bats on a fly line. I read a story not too long ago in a fishing magazine about another guy who caught one only he got his on a back cast.
OnTheFly said:
I'm amazed on how many people have actually caught bats on a fly line. I read a story not too long ago in a fishing magazine about another guy who caught one only he got his on a back cast.

Doesn't surprise me at all. Those critters are pretty fast.
If you cast yarn flies in black for that hour just after last light in WA you are sure to stick a few bats. The little critters are more ravenous than downstream hens on a mission! I have hooked 'em on everything form a 3 wt. Bamboo unit to a 7/8 wt. Chinook slayer. The one on a 3 wt. actually could fly around sorta. Freakin winged rats!
seems like just about every time i am out at dusk with a decent hatch still happening bats are always chasing my fly! never actually hooked one tho can't say i was trying considering fish were still rising;)
I hooked one down on the upper Wilson about a week ago. I had just tied on a small dry fly ( don't remember which one specificlly ) and every time my backcast felt like it was hitting something. When I turned around to look all I was was the forest fifty yards away. When I finally hooked up on the backcast I looked UP. The sky was full of bats. He may still have my fly in his lip as the 2lb tippet popped right off.

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