Bassin In Eugene

hello everyone im very glad i found this site and can be part of it.. looks like everyone gets along pretty well...i just got into steelheadin last year but my true love is bassin...if anyone is interested in tradin and secret spots and want to know were my lunkerzones are just let me know...this last year i finally got my 10 pounder...right here in springfield.....last year i nailed a bunch of 5-8 lets share secrets... im just tired of fishing in same old 3or 4 spots...i like to venture to new habitats.....and again i love the site and can't wait to start makin friends...
Would like to hear about them

Would like to hear about them

I am not sure how much help I can give back but will try
Sweet No Worries.. Just Lookin For Some Respectfull Bassin Buddies.. I Got My One Friend That Is My #1 Bassinbro But Besides That We Like To Take New Friends With Us That Wont Squeal Our Spots And Secret Presentations To Many Else...

AWSOME that im part of this website WE REALLY NEED TO KEEP IN TOUCH so when it comes time u can go to a few places with friend and i.. we fish a lot of ponds..only use 1 lure pretty much lol.. we always buy all this bass stuff and never use it or we use it and just go right back our top secret really interested in gettin into a bass club but bad thing is...NO BOAT....well no big boat anyways.. well till i hear from u next have a good one..
you wouldnt have n e pics of these bass, specially over 10lbs?? :) :)

whats ur top secret lure :pray: :lol:
ya i can work on gettin pics on here....or if u are familiar with 2 bros tackle i have a pic up in there that friend dropped of...that fish was caught out of delta ponds...says 7 pounds but it was closer to 8....i argued my friend about his scale and he finally tested it and it was off a in blue waders with a zoom hat on...and secret bait is a secret but my hat gives of a clue..........also never said bass was over 10;)
hello everyone im very glad i found this site and can be part of it.. looks like everyone gets along pretty well...i just got into steelheadin last year but my true love is bassin...if anyone is interested in tradin and secret spots and want to know were my lunkerzones are just let me know...this last year i finally got my 10 pounder...right here in springfield.....last year i nailed a bunch of 5-8 lets share secrets... im just tired of fishing in same old 3or 4 spots...i like to venture to new habitats.....and again i love the site and can't wait to start makin friends...

it can't be that secret....zoom is a major brand... :lol: im guessing brush hog!

can't wait for the pics...tight lines
not a brush hog altho i love those just no luck with them..........
I would love to trade some secret spots!! I'm not quite ready for bass fishing yet although I might give the winter a shot. I mostly fish for bass fall spring and summer. My favorite places are on Fern Ridge and come this summer I'm going to kill'em! I've been duck hunting out there and taking my camera. All the streams that feed that lake I love to fish and caught some monsters last year. Only this next year I've got an extra ace in my pocket. Since they have drained the lake I've been taking my camera and have shot a pic of every snag and drop off of my favorite channels. I've even messured distances from stumps that would be exposed when water is present to drop offs and to other snags so come next spring I'll be right on top of them! I think:pray:
Lookin for other bassers

Lookin for other bassers

hello everyone im very glad i found this site and can be part of it.. looks like everyone gets along pretty well...i just got into steelheadin last year but my true love is bassin...if anyone is interested in tradin and secret spots and want to know were my lunkerzones are just let me know...this last year i finally got my 10 pounder...right here in springfield.....last year i nailed a bunch of 5-8 lets share secrets... im just tired of fishing in same old 3or 4 spots...i like to venture to new habitats.....and again i love the site and can't wait to start makin friends...
I just got started bass fishing last year. The only fish I added to my boat were lures from two bros tackle. Well, I caught one 4lb pig in fer ridge on a wacky style senko and another on fall creek res on a buzz bait. Other then that I think I must suck. Obviously the bass are not respectful to the amount of money I invest to catch them. Im in Eugene, Im easy going, I love to fish, I have a decent fishing boat, and no one to go bassin with. I need some secrets, insite and a possible buddy. PLEASE HELP.
Archives are a great resource

Archives are a great resource

Welcome to OFF,glad you found us. There are a bunch of members down your way. Check out the archives or do a search to find fish & peeps in the Eugene area. You will find seasoned and new fishing buds galore. Good luck and again, welcome. Be safe.
I am also looking for some fishing partners, seems like everyone is so busy it's hard to coordinate times to hit the water. just post up here or PM me next time you are looking to go out. I know a bunch of good spots right close to town and more further. good luck
wannaBasser said:
I just got started bass fishing last year. The only fish I added to my boat were lures from two bros tackle. Well, I caught one 4lb pig in fer ridge on a wacky style senko and another on fall creek res on a buzz bait. Other then that I think I must suck. Obviously the bass are not respectful to the amount of money I invest to catch them. Im in Eugene, Im easy going, I love to fish, I have a decent fishing boat, and no one to go bassin with. I need some secrets, insite and a possible buddy. PLEASE HELP.

Also looking for Bass buddies for the up coming season. I would be more than happy to show you what I know at the spots I know. I'm also looking forward to hitting some of the high lakes for some pigs! Ferd Ridge was my lake last year, I've got all the structure staked out this year after taking photos and making many trips to the lake while the water is low to get a better idea of the cover. Send me a PM anyone out there in this area when you want to drop some lines in the water. I'm off monday-fridays. work weekend nights, that's tough for some....great for me
I am off mondays and tuesdays and work weds through sunday. Live in veneta so hitting the ditch hard this spring and summer is a goal of mine! I have never fished fern ridge at all but I got a boat and the gear, just need someone who knows the ropes on that lake to get it all set up!
specreck said:
Also looking for Bass buddies for the up coming season. I would be more than happy to show you what I know at the spots I know. I'm also looking forward to hitting some of the high lakes for some pigs! Ferd Ridge was my lake last year, I've got all the structure staked out this year after taking photos and making many trips to the lake while the water is low to get a better idea of the cover. Send me a PM anyone out there in this area when you want to drop some lines in the water. I'm off monday-fridays. work weekend nights, that's tough for some....great for me

I am down for fishing fern ridge. I snapped a couple shots with my phone. Lets stay intouch and get hooked up to do some fishing.
jhop111 said:
I am off mondays and tuesdays and work weds through sunday. Live in veneta so hitting the ditch hard this spring and summer is a goal of mine! I have never fished fern ridge at all but I got a boat and the gear, just need someone who knows the ropes on that lake to get it all set up!

Here's a tip for you guys. Fish near the trailer park south of the island.
I'm also down for some Eugene are bassing. I consider myself a pretty good bass fisherman, but am new to the area and west coast bassin in general. The colder water here definitely changes things up a bit....
I was out there yesterday with my binoculars scoping out the terrain. Seen exactly where old royal ave is and some great terrain. Fished a bit off the damn, but nothing exciting. Tried everything in a low and slow presentation that I could think of. Guess its just too cold out still.
It won't be long til the big females start getting active. Be patient.
wannaBasser said:
I am down for fishing fern ridge. I snapped a couple shots with my phone. Lets stay intouch and get hooked up to do some fishing.

Sound good to me, just shoot me PM sometime, we can work out the details for a trip. I've got some ponds I've been wanting to try, I think they are public, b/t creswell and cottage grove, looks good for bass'n
jhop111 said:
I was out there yesterday with my binoculars scoping out the terrain. Seen exactly where old royal ave is and some great terrain. Fished a bit off the damn, but nothing exciting. Tried everything in a low and slow presentation that I could think of. Guess its just too cold out still.

Try a white or grey feathered jig. Add the back half of a plastic craw or worm to the hook to give it some action when you are not moving it. Work it back from the shallows "slowly", leaving it sit for a good five minutes in any likely spot. Give it a gentle twitch every minute or so.

Good luck! This time of year chance has as much to do with it as anything. You need to drop that sucker right in it's face.


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