Bass in Johnson Lake?

Anyone know if there are bass in Johnson lake, right there off 205?
Johnson Lake?
could you give out the area... im kinda not sure what lake that is?
might be private...
The lake is off to the left of 205 right before crossing the Columbia. Google maps has it listed as Johnson Lake Property...
hey thanks, found it.. never seen it before
it looks like it might be private, from Google Satellite. plus the same sound all corporate owned...
im sure you can fish it... if you... lets say sneak in.. lol
Haha well that's the plan, just need the water to heat up a little!
Way to respect private property! If it's private get permission or don't fish it! I'm sick of people thinking some laws are ok to be broken! It's people like you that give law abiding fisherman a bad name!
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Sorry to offend you Beaverfan. I was just joking about sneaking on. From what I can tell from Portland parks and rec site is that there is public access on the west end.
beaverfan said:
way to respect private property! If it's private get permission or don't fish it! I'm sick of people thinking some laws are ok to be broken! It's people like you that give law abiding fisherman a bad name!

WOW!!!!! Sounds like you've had one too many people sneak on your property. Lame
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Having ONE person SNEAK on my property would be too many! If I had a pond and found fisherman SNEAKING on my property they'd be picking buckshot outta there a$$! Now if you asked for permission I would let you, as long as you picked up after your self. Trespassing is trespassing no matter what your intent is. If there's public access by all means fish it. But if it's private respect the dang land owners rights and stay the heck away. No need to risk a criminal record or worse yet your personal safety to try and catch a dumb ol bass.
... there are no fact or prove that there are actually any of those "dumb ol bass. " :) so you might end up in whole lot of trouble for really nothing ...
hey, i think basser@hearts question is good. i was wondering the same about this lake,and im going to probably check it out in a few weeks. i will let you know how it goes if i happen to go.
Lookin for new bass water is a kick , I personally have the try to follow the rules system . However If there is nothing posted / preventing access and no one is there to object this ol bass hound is in. Think common sense really comes into play in these situations . I have knocked on many doors been Turned down many times and run off a couple , without any serious ramifications . Persistance did pay for me and I have found a couple "private " spots to fish. Not much fun to try fishin while worried about gettin in trouble the whole time. So my vote is heck ya scope the place out ,wont know if ya dont look ,just respect the law or we all know what can happen . If they are the ponds I am thinkin about They look very Bassy. Good luck in the quest for new bass waters
thanks finneus. ive' been on google maps, and scoped it out. i know for sure that there are two roads on the east and west sides of the lake that you can fish. its a bit brushy, but when i go im going to give it a try.
Ifishforfood said:
thanks finneus. ive' been on google maps, and scoped it out. i know for sure that there are two roads on the east and west sides of the lake that you can fish. its a bit brushy, but when i go im going to give it a try.

Please, just catch & release the female bass that will be Spawning soon Bro. Don't kill them.

Easiest way is to call ODFW. That's a big industrial area there. A lot of times you'll see great ponds and lakes in those areas, but they actually use them to help delute already cleaned indultrial waste before dumping in a main fresh water source. I just finished a waste water class last year, it's unbelievable the stuff that gets sent down on our waterways. Good luck!!
true... about the waste, im sure fish will be there. amybe even at times the chemicals might actually boost their sizes and what not... but that fish is no where close to eating. and also what i have found out, is that with these type of lakes is they have hard access to them, and a lot of under water junk to steal your bait :) just a thought. but to all who explore and are pioneers in finding new spots, hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray!!! :)
If you do fish there, do NOT eat the fish! Release them all, the water is worse than the slough, since i C&R almost all my fish it wont affect me, but i hate to think what it would do the the body. Wont be nice on the taste buds either... haha
nice to know. i was wondering if they were safe to eat. i dont think i will waste my time then, if i can't eat em'. i think i will go for edible fish in the columbia.

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