Barometric pressure


So Im trying to fully understand the barometric pressure and how fish react to it. From what Ive heard when the pressure is low the bite is off b/c they are trying to readjust their air bladders. And when it is high they are biting.

But I have a feeling there is more to it. Like is it good when it first starts rising or once it peaks and why this is that fish become more active.

I would love if one of you master anglers could shed a bit of light on this for me.

thanks H2F
The winter steelhead bite drops with the barrometer where i fish.
I believe I have heard that when the pressure is just staying at one steady level, that is when more fish start feeding, almost as if they go into some kind of "shock" when it changes.

But this was reading up on Carp, so I don't know if this applies to everything.
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You could search the archived posts for barometer or barometric and see what you come up with. I did a quick search and found a fairly good explanation by some experienced members. Here you go: Spin Fishing;6-29-09;"Time and location in relation to species and location" by ibanez_shredder.
When the barametric pressure is falling is when it turns on, until the low passes, then as it rises the fish become less active. When the barametric pressure is holding steady expect the usual. Just before a low comes through can be tremendous. I've had days on fall chinook where it was so slow trolling was wasting gas, then a system began to move in, fished just before the low and it was craziness....seemed like everyone had 1 on in every boat.
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