Anyone got a doggie biscuit?

Dogs, chum and woofers everywhere up here! They are simply horrible. We get about 30 minutes in the morning to try and get some Coho before the chum drive them out. And it is not just the deep holes and backwashes. Fast water, riffles, rips, undercuts and everywhere else the chum are making fishing here impossible. Every once in a while a fresh spurt of Coho will make a run but it is get them now or they are pushed out again by the next back of dogs.

It would be one thing if we could keep just one a day so it is worth the effort and to at least bring something home to smoke but this dog pack needs to go up river so the Coho will actually bite once in a while.

Is the dog pack as bad down there?
There are only a few north coast streams with remnants of a chum run in oregon. A couple of the Tillamook streams and a few in other rivers and streams.Nothing like what you have up north. I don't think there is anything that pulls harder than a chrome brite chum. definitely pound for pound a tackle testing prey.
the meany dog in oregon a lil run on kilchis ...anything green,,and they will just pounce on it.....but yes up WA...they are nuisance from what i heard...
I dont understand,why dont most peaple like to c&r?I always have a blast catchin lots of fish,especially salmon,as they are scrappers!I know that having some yummy fish to take home is a bonus,but Is that the only motivation for some peaple to go fishing?I am not trying to put anyone down,I am really just curious.input?:D
Miami, kilchis, nestuca, salmon, siletz, alsea all have chummo's...and man are they fun.
man those chum salmon look pretty ferocious, are they good eating or can they be eaten?
They're mediocre eating IMO. Another name not mentioned that you've surely seen in stores lately is Keta
I love hooking and landing lots of fish but 4 trips in a row and nothing but chum is getting annoying to say the least. I go to hook and fight fish yes but my family loves eating fish and not bringing anything home gets old fast.

As for eating them, not many better tasting fish when smoked. Canning them and used in sandwhich spreads is a good way too. I will personally steak a big bright buck and barbecue it with a honey smoked mosquite BBQ sauce and they turn out rather well.

Some of them were bright fish, very bright fish. Not chrome like a silver but the colors were simply brilliant. I would have taken 2 of them home I landed in a heartbeat to cook up one way or another.

That is if it was legal to keep them.
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fish_4_all said:
I love hooking and landing lots of fish but 4 trips in a row and nothing but chum is getting annoying to say the least. I go to hook and fight fish yes but my family loves eating fish and not bringing anything home gets old fast.

As for eating them, not many better tasting fish when smoked. Canning them and used in sandwhich spreads is a good way too. I will personally steak a big bright buck and barbecue it with a honey smoked mosquite BBQ sauce and they turn out rather well.

Some of them were bright fish, very bright fish. Not chrome like a silver but the colors were simply brilliant. I would have taken 2 of them home I landed in a heartbeat to cook up one way or another.

That is if it was legal to keep them.

you cannot keep these chum salmon? i have never heard of them so i am learning here...
Sometimes we can sometimes we can't. More often can't. Who knows why, the run this year is the biggest I have seen in 10 years if not 15.

Some say we can't kepe them because they are actually a plankton type feeder and won't hit anything. One biologist told me it was so there was more food for steelhead smolt and adults to eat while in the river. All I know is they are everywhere but hopefully the rain coming will get them to scream upstream and be gone so I can go back to Coho and Nook and bring home a nice slab.

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