Any body ever fish this area?

A friend of my moms lives near Mciver park, and I am going to try fishing from her place next weekend, I have never fished the clack so I was hoping to get some tips on this stretch of water. Her's is one of the houses right on the north shoreline. Is the water too fast and deep to cross on foot?
I don't know exactly where that area is...

Is that the lower boat launch in the photo? If it is I've heard that there is a pretty good springer hole down there somewhere. I'd be more than happy to do a little pre-scouting for you;)
I've been fishing at Milo McIver my past few trips and i've come to like the river bend area of the park, mostly i've been fishing jigs and it has been fairly successful but recently not too much luck with em thinking about switching to spinners/spoons next time.
I am not familiar with the park lay out at all, but the area in the photo is the far east end of the park. My mom said, that the lady said, " we usually see them all the time, jumping and rolling, but this last week has been unusually quiet." She also said, "you have to come early to beat the boats" So, having said that I am going to be there as early as she will let me.
That would be the lower boat ramp then. There is a lot of good water down there. Also not as much shoulder to shoulder fishing as the actual hatchery hole. Should be lots of fun good luck
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