Another nook

I set out this morning for some Summer Steel. I went to one of my favorite drifts and the water was real low so I decided to head to a spot where I could wade out and get to a hole in low water. I found the hole, waded way out, casted 40' or so and drifted Pop A Top Yarn( 2 Different Egg colors "see pics") and drifted through the hole. 4 or 5 casts later and "Slam" I set the hook and the fight was on. I thought I had a large summer when I seen lots of Chrome and then it did not come out of the water. 3 Guide boats stopped to watch the fight (which made this Rookie very nervous) It kept taking and giving line for about 5 or 6 minutes and then I started to bring it in and it took off again. After 2 or 3 minutesof letting her run around the large hole she ran right for me, I reeled quick, then she took off again, I let her wear herself out and landed my 1st fish by myself:shock:. The ladies and gentlemen on the boats clapped:clap: and said nice fish. I thanked them and tagged the fish and back in the water I went. 1/2 hr went by and I noticed an change in color and went home to keep her fresh. How can I keep fish fresh for a long period of time? Anyway here are the pics.
Sweet Thank You! I was told to do behind the gills and gill plate. No wonder my fish are changing colors so quick! Thanks for the advice, I will use it.
I ran into you this morning and we talked for a bit.
Great to see you got into one. Way to go.

For someone who is new to Salmon and Steelhead fishing I am very impressed with how you read the water, and make decisions.
We fished for a bit and then you moved on to a spot you thought would produce and bang.

Great job brother.

Take care and lets hook up sometime.

The last buck I got on the 21st at the family reunion was really bright, I cleaned it and by the time we got home its head and back looked like i spray painted it black. Its hard to take pics when your fishing by yourself, so I usally snap a shot fresh out of the water and then I have my wife take them when i get home. Most of the time no other people are around on the bank to ask to take the pics or by the time I hike out of some of the holes its dark.:lol:
You're on a roll now man! Making me jealous - never landed a springer (yet)

I have been pretty fortunate to have trout fished the Clack every summer when i was growing up in Missouri. So I have been trying to hit the holes where I have caught big trout in the past. mgdguy we should hook up and fish. I cannot believe how many fish are in some of these holes sometimes. If I could land as many as I loose I would be doing pretty good. I am starting to shake the "Rookieitis".:lol:
Thanks Jeff and welcome to OFF glad to see you made on here after we talked. In my opinion this is the best forum and the members are the best, let me know when you want to hit the water. Thanks Santiamdrifter I watched the video and that is not how my neighbor showed me how to do it. The way he showed me was to cut a little slice behing the gills and cut a slice under the gills like your cutting its throat. He told me the slower it bleeds out the longer it will stay fresh. What a barney! :lol:

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