Another fish for the grill!

Well-known member
Saturday I had my girlfriend drop me off out in the woods in the Wilson, the plan was she was gonna come pick me up the next day and we'd head to the beach for fireworks. I got camp set up and hit the water about 6:30 and fished till about 9 with little success which was a stark contrast to how the fishing had been. As of last Tuesday they were trout everywhere, you couldn't keep them OFF your line. I caught a few decent fish but overall it was slow. I went to bed early and woke up at 4 to twist up a couple spinners and then hit the water. It started OFF like the previous evening, very slow. By about 8:30 or 9 I had worked my way upstream a few hundred yards to a nice little spot. I fished for about 20 min and then took a little break and tied on a different spinner. On the second or third cast I was watching my spinner bounce OFF the rocks on the bottom when all of a sudden a pod of about 5 or 6 Steelhead dart over to my spinner and the lead fish just inhales my spinner. Nice long fight on my UL, the best part was this insane jump! He jumped up so high that he was just about level with my head! So I bonk and bleed it and sit down for a bit hoping the rest of the fish would be just as aggressive as this fish. After about 20 minutes had gone by I decide to start fishing again. I cast out in the same spot and low and behold no more than 3 seconds after my lure hit the water I hooked into about a 7 or 8lb native hen. About a half hour later I hooked into a third fish out of the same hole, unfortunately for me I'm an idiot and forgot to loosen my drag a bit after snagging and breaking OFF the previous cast. All in all it was a great morning! I left my phone in camp so I couldn't get a pic of the second fish.

Oh and I'm pretty sure I broke my toe.
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It sucks about your toe but what a beauty!!! I've never heard of a fish jumping that high. Must have been awsome!!!
awesome story and pic, what a nice adventure
Nice Beaverfan...good looking fish bro. I have been dreaming about doing something like that on The Wilson, but I want try and go backpacking and cover 5 miles a day just fishing, hiking, and enjoying the solitude for maybe 3 days. Let's hit it again soon it has been too long. Those summers jump a lot more than the winters...huh?
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What a great outing; and that fish looks like prime cuisine for the grill!
right on Jay.. and on your own hardware.;)
It's nice to actually be getting into some fish! But now I'm getting the you gotta stop keeping them we have no room in the freezer lecture! So my solution will be investing in a good smoker!
beaverfan said:
It's nice to actually be getting into some fish! But now I'm getting the you gotta stop keeping them we have no room in the freezer lecture! So my solution will be investing in a good smoker!

Or a larger freezer!
Eventually I'd like to have both, but I'll go for a smoker first! I love me some smoked fish!
Nicely done!! Sorry `bout the toe thing.
Ya I had another accident this afternoon involving a rusty lawnmower blade, luckily I narrowly avoided needing stitches! The Dr. came in to clean it up so he could inject the lidocaine and couldn't get the cut to open back up so he decided it would probably be fine without any!
do you my friend need a big supply of bubble wrap? im sure we can find you some :-D
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