Alsea tomarrow

Hey guys I'm hittin' the Alsea off the bank tomarrow. It'll be my first winter trip of the year. If anybody knows where my best chances are right now Please let me know.
I have only fished the Alsea fom Mill Park to Salmonberry so as far as fishing the bank I don't have a clue. However during one trip, CC and I passed by a guy at around 10AM who said he had started at tide water and fished all the way up to Mill Park. Seemed like a great idea as there are at least 12 public launches from tidewater to the hatchery.


I take it most of the fish are still down low then? Just trying to figure out which section my chances are best in.
Well, day before yesterday CC and I landed two a few miles below the hatchery and yesterday I lost one in the same area that took 100' off my reel heading upstream before she broke me off around a log 15 minutes later. (I'll tell the story when I can come to terms with it. Supposedly the cell phone video is going to hit the net any day now but I have I no idea who that was filming it).

I would just assume there are fish throughout the river. It's been low and clear for weeks and they are just steadily trickling in. Sure there are probably a bunch stacked up in tidewater but there are plenty going ahead and running. Just fish moderately deep/fast water off steep edges that are shaded. Been working well enough for me, but I'm not a pro like AA or Osmosis, to name a couple. They might have some better advice.
Glad you are finally going to get out man! Crazy how busy it has been for you, but I suppose that is a good thing. My buddy who fishes the Alsea, did say like Zen, that it was a steady trickle, not big numbers, but onesy, twosy type of populations. He does the same thing that the one gentleman Zen and C.Chuck ran into. Starts at tidewater, and works up to Mill Creek, then back down if he has time. Look for the gravel bottom, and fast walkin pace for water speed, you will find 'em


Thanks for the info AA. It will be nice to finally get some time to just zen on the river for a few, and maybe feel the sloid tug of winter steel.
good luck out there... and post your pix when you're done.
The one that got away!!!!!!!!!!!!

The one that got away!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you could have been their that fateful day and witnessed the battle i did you would be in shock! graphite zen you gave it your all. i have landed quite a few fish on that river but she was a trophy hen! the video isent to great or id post it but i am here to tell your tale ! the best place for steelies in the alsea remains untold i guess you just have to beat the brush and wade the river. but if you
dont give up youll hook up!start at the hatchery and work your way down.good luck!!!!!!!!
If you do end up fishing the get away from the crowd there there is a spot you can hike to the other side of the river. so you are not buried shoulder to shoulder with other people.
jeremymiller said:
If you could have been their that fateful day and witnessed the battle i did you would be in shock! graphite zen you gave it your all. i have landed quite a few fish on that river but she was a trophy hen! the video isent to great or id post it but i am here to tell your tale ! the best place for steelies in the alsea remains untold i guess you just have to beat the brush and wade the river. but if you
dont give up youll hook up!start at the hatchery and work your way down.good luck!!!!!!!!

HAHA!!!!!! Alright man you found the site!
That was funny stuff being taped while I fought her. Oh man I was sweatin too, I wanted that fish especially since it was on video... Once she ran through that woodwork I pretty much knew it it was over and I'd lose her. I figured I'd give it a shot anyways but never dreamed it would last that long. If you don't give you'll hook up!! hahah good times!
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Started the morning at the deadline at the hatchery about 7:30. Snowing and the water temp was 40 deg. and crystal clear. Pitched a #4 brass and red a couple of feet just be sure my stuff was tuned and saw a tail break surface and slide into a hole in a small pool just below me under the tree. crept in low and flipped in my spinner a couple of times and nothing, crept closer and took a peak and could see the fish so flipped just above and across and the took chase right at my feet he swirled and balanced this thing on his nose like he was a trained seal or something:shock: then bolted for parts unknown...hatchery fish is so dumb sometimes. I moved down river to honey grove and covered water until I found a whole with a some big rocks and its all swirly. Pitched to the back side but over a branch in the tree above me and not a half second afterthe spinner hits water FISH ON! :wall: Needless to say it didn't end well. I'm trying to get my line out of the tree by moving down stream and sweeping my rod tip, the fish is running up river and laughing I'm pretty sure. Hatchery fish are pretty much uncoperative wiseguys. I managed a couple more bumps a little further down but just couldn't connect. Glad we couldn't bring the video was nothing I want on proof of this is a good thing:D
Nice job getting into fish though!! I was reminded a few days ago it's those types of days that keep us coming back. Would it be "fishing" or just "catching" if we went home with fish everyday.

I'm gonna hit it tomorrow. Where did you come in from? How were the roads and how much snow was there?


I came in through Corvallis. The roads weren't too bad, just some snow near the top of the pass. On the way out the plows were out, but I'm sure it's iced up some overnight.
So if fishing around the hatchery, do you just park right at the hatchery and then walk to the river?

Go Ducks


They have the parking posted at the hatchery. I was fishing above the trap when I got into my first fish. The water is really low and clear and highly suggest summer steelie tactics for the current situation.
What are summer steelie tactics? Sorry, I'm new to this. Thanks for any info..

Go Ducks!
Summer steelies

Summer steelies

For me summer steelies are all about finess. Very small corkies with yarn, #4 hooks, 6lb leader and a couple of split shot. If Im throwing spinners they are in brass and no bigger than a #4 blade. If I'm using bobber and whatever, my bobber black and small baits like sandshrimp tails, a cluster of 8-10 salmon eggs, or a 1/8th to 1/16th oz jig. I stand back away from the river so as not to be seen by the fish. Fish will bolt and get all freaked out by just the movement of your rod while casting. Look for deeper runs and pools, small holes or "buckets" in flats, with the water this low some fish will hold up in slightly choppy water at the tails of little chutes for cover. The water is really cold so be patient.
Thanks Kodiak. I appreciate the knowledge.

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