I hope that our courts throw the book at this idiot!!!
Its a misdermeanor to POACH 2 bull elk????troutdude said:I hope that our courts throw the book at this idiot!!!
troutdude said:The whole issue, revolves around a NEW Oregon law. I forgot to mention that (and don't have time to search for it at the moment).
However, the "worst thing you see is trespassing"? Really? What about hunting out of season (i.e. POACHING)?
Damon79 said:I believe the law about possesion of a skull is a bit sketchy. You can hunt sheds and have the horns in your possesion, but they cannot be attached by bone, without a legal and valid tag. My family has 'party' hunted for years, where sometimes one person may fill several tags in camp. I never saw a thing wrong with it. Nowadays, you just can't afford to do it whether it's right or wrong. I am a very firm believer in taking an animal to feed your family if you have nothing else, but poaching to me is very different. I have not, nor would I kill an animal and not take the entire thing. I dont trophy hunt, I buy tags to fill and put meat in the freezer. The article does say the guy was arrested, but does not state that the third skull did not have a tag.. Maybe it was not killed any more illegaly than one of the other two..
troutdude said:FYI, the article I originally looked at said somewhere that he WAS arrested. So, that's why it's in the thread title.
pdxjon said:Where does it say he is hunting out of season? Don't get me wrong I think he should be punished for every crime he broke. I just said that people have always filled other peoples tags. I wouldn't do it or let someone fill mine but it happens.
kirkster said:The way I read it was. It was during season. The act of trespassing isn't cool at all. As far as filling other tags in his own party. That's been happening long before any of us were here. My opinion is if you have four tags in your party and four elk are killed and nothing is wasted all is good. Look back at some stories where big bulls have been shot and only the antlers were taken and the entire carcass left to rot. Or the black bear poaching sting in zig zag several years back. Several hundred black bears killed just for there kidneys and paws. Or just all the black market BS sales in general involving our wild game. It happens all over more than most think and it happens 365 days a year.
In all reality the guy broke the law so he shall be punished. As far as throwing the book at him? Maybe he will duck and it will miss him and hit the ones who need to get hit.