Alsea 1-20

Well I hit up the Alsea with a buddy on Wednesday in hopes of catching a nice steelie. After fishing for a few hours up by the hatchery with lots of people and one guy that would cuss at the top of his lungs every time he got snagged(hilarious), we decided to move down river. After just a few casts with a jig and bobber. I picked up this nice bright beauty. She was full of pink pearls, had sea lice and bright as hell when i pulled her out. Good thing i had the shades on.
Cool! Way to go! Yea, I almost can't take fishing by the hatchery anymore..
Too many whackos and unfriendly people up there.

Nice fish!

Hopefully I can pull one(or more!) out Saturday.. :D
I think we just came down when you guys pulled that fish out! Just a little later that afternoon I landed mine on a jig and bobber. What color where you using? Good job. You are lucky you did not fish to many other areas, there were no fish there that I could find.
ya i saw u guys come down the bridge. i wanted to say hi cause recognized you from your website. well congrats on getting one.
We are nice enough guys, just holler next time. :lol: It sure has been slow though, eight hours of fishing without a bite when on a normal year we would be releasing fish that were not big enough. Your fish was one of two that we saw on the bank. Good job you were one of the few. :clap:
We are nice enough guys, just holler next time. :lol: It sure has been slow though, eight hours of fishing without a bite when on a normal year we would be releasing fish that were not big enough. Your fish was one of two that we saw on the bank. Good job you were one of the few. :clap:

Why aren't you guys fishing Lake creek and Umpqua? I wouldn't drive all that way for the Alsea all the time... not for just one or two fish. Man I wish I lived closer to the south coast rivers!
Nice fish that bridge hole can be kinda goofy :) dont forget to fish the little riffle ahead of the hole, it doesn't look to fishy but it can be at times. The guy you were referring to at the hatchery that cusses and yells when he gets snagged up, his name is Santino. Very Very nice guy. He has a shrimp buisness down in louisiana and owns his own shrimp boat/fleet and processor.
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