
This may not be a big deal for most of you 'pro' steelheaders, but it carries weight with me. After an unsuccessful year last year at this steelheading thing I'm at it again. Went out this morning, I know its way early where I'm at for winters, but I'm just trying to hit it hard. Got out of the van at the run I'm going to try and wouldn't you know it the spots taken. By a Bald Eagle of course! Flew right by heading upstream. So now my day is made already. I take some tips from the guides I've used with salmon and glove up. No scent from me on the tackle... rig the pole and climb down to the run. I'm picking one method till I get it down which is float and jig. I start hitting the seam and just focus on relaxing and fishing. Everything is going good when I get a small tug so, as you all say, set the hook. Wow, not a steelie but a nice 13" rainbow from a river that I work hard at to get 10's out of when I'm fly fishing! I know its not trout season, and I do a water release, but hey, I'm on the road to learning. I'm a dry fly fanatic and just have never gotten nymph, wet's or anything to work well. This is paying off at least with getting me to learn a new method which hopefully pays off with steel and maybe I can use some parts of it with my fly fishing. So excited for this yr!
Great job!

Like you, I'm going to focus on one method until I 'get it' when I go for my first steelhead this winter.

I'm going to guess that a background in fly fishing is also helping you hone your water reading skills, which will undoubtedly help in your quest.

Keep at it and let us know how it goes for you.
well, sounds like you guys have a plan.... I bet you both hold your first steelhead by christmas! good luck... and good job on the trout!
I see, nothing like pressure...right? I'm planning on getting out with Damon sometime so I'm really hoping that will be the ticket.
I see, nothing like pressure...right? I'm planning on getting out with Damon sometime so I'm really hoping that will be the ticket.

I personally haven't met Damon. But Ive heard good things about him. So Im sure it will give ya an advantage. But the key thing is always fish with confidence. If your confident in the gear your using and the water your fishing Thats half the battle.
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