Alaska pics

I always enjoy looking at fish pictures so I thought I'd share a few of my dads trip to Alaska this year. He fished the Keini River and the Anchor. Thats my brother with the scruffy beard and the dolly.
Nice fish. I always love my trips to AK, nothing quite like it down here in OR. Nothin better than fresh socks!
I never fish the kenai, but damn you made me wish I didn't skip the springer trip this year.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Yukon River smokehouses should be filled this summer with oil-rich strips of king salmon — long used by Alaska Natives as a high-energy food to get through the long Alaska winters. But they're mostly empty...
Its odd that they don't think commercial fishing almost year round up there is affecting anything. I love when they are catching the feeder salmon (our growing salmon from PNW) in the early summer and think nothing about it.
And their farming at the mouths of rivers are killing tons of juvenile fish. Horrible sea lice and farming. :mad: Don't buy farmed salmon if you want to be able to catch more salmon!
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