Access on the lower Nestucca

So I am going steelhead fishing this Friday on the Nestucca. Obviously I will be fishing at 3 rivers or below. My question is this- do you think there is any point in fishing Pacific city, or will tidewater be pointless for steel?

Second question, is there any bank access on the lower nestucca between 3 rivers and pacific city? Last time I drove around, went to Cloverdale, but couldn't seem to find a spot.

Thanks for all your help.
The property on the down stream side of the 101 bridge (north of Hebo) is owned by a fishing club(accessible by $) If you cross the bridge in Cloverdale There are a couple of places that used to have river access. Can't be for sure as I have not been down there for 2 years.Also it never hurts to ask permission of the land owners. You would be surprised at what a little tact and diplomacy will get you. Offer to split your bounty or offer to remove trash from shore line. I personally would not fish in tide water this time of year. !st riffle above is an entirely different story.Also drive between Cloverdale and woods.
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Google map shows Resort road between cloverdale and PAC city but it looks like it's only 5 miles from PAC city. Do you think that is too close to the bay? Where does tidewater end and the first ruffles begin?

Tidewater and the first riffle of fresh water start in cloverdale, you can fish right in the town of cloverdale! If i was you i would focus on fishing the mouth of three rivers, or jacksons drift, first left after the 101 bridge follow that to the pay box on the fence, dont be cheap put money in it! If that doesn't pan out, fish upriver at farmers crick! I wouldnt waste my time fishing tidewater .
I am trying to envision jacksons drift but just can't put my ginge on it. We usually hit 3 rivers and put money in the box there, is this just the hike to the left when you park at the three rivers boat ramp?
Last time I was in Cloverdale I walked around at the bridge and right when you come into town- but the water was real high and the access was real bad at those spots. I couldn't find any other spots there. I still can't find Jackson's Drift, Is that near the Hebo bridge or the Cloverdale bridge?


steelhead blow through that water, and start to "chill" around 3 rivers... there are a few holes just below that - the ones you can access through the pay box, however the best spots for winters would be at the mouth of 3 rivers and on 3 rivers itself. farmers creek and down to 3 rivers are pretty good too, but you kinda need to drift it to get the goods...

this early in the game my money would be hitting 3 rivers itself and putting in some time on that creek - it will pay off.
masmith said:
I am trying to envision jacksons drift but just can't put my ginge on it. We usually hit 3 rivers and put money in the box there, is this just the hike to the left when you park at the three rivers boat ramp?

Jacksons drift is above 3 rivers around the bend! Like mentioned before, spend time at the mouth of 3 rivers , it will likely pay off!

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