A bitter-sweet day on the Siletz


Active member
Perfect water conditions and an overcast sky,Thats all it took and I am off to the Siletz for some winter steel (not to mention being cooped up with FIVE fifteen year old girls and my wife for three days, at a beach house in Newport). The holes were crowded after arriving an hour late, looks like I will be hiking to find some solitude,but thats ok,I have all day to kill.Started off kinda slow,a few missed fish and some pesky trout,but I am fishin a hole without another fisherman in sight,wait, here comes someone and he wants the run I am standing in.Oy. He ends up being a good guy,polite and courteous,with some welcome advice on some new fly fishing techniques.We hung out for most of the morning and I agreed to show him a few of my favorite holes.I hooked and landed my finest fish so far this year on the first casy. About fifteen pounds of bright native,and pissed off, buck.My new bud tried to take a pic, but accidentally took some low quality video instead. Oh well, I know it was a nice one! I took a break to watch his casting and let him have a shot.He hung up and lost his fly, so I stepped in and hooked another on the first cast, this time a four pound wild hen!We parted ways and I hiked a little further up.Got a nice bright eight or so,clipped and full of roe,a keeper!I am feeling good and hikin out,whats that?A nice Gerber multi tool lying in the sand! Score!Crossing the river, something else catches my eye, thats a rod! A Lami with a abu reel!Must be my lucky day! I am almost back to the rig when my luck runs out.I step on my rod jumpin a log,snap,that one is done.Go back to the beach house and pick up the girls,and on the way home I discover that someone opened the gate on my Jeep, and didn't close it,yep,my wading boots and rainjacket are missing,gone to live somewhere on highway 20. Anyway,If you are missing a rod,or a Gerber, lemme know.:D


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haha what a rollercoaster im not sure if to tell you congrats. The fishing aspect was topnotch! Thats whats nice about the gorge, when you want to get away from the crouds, you can. Nice work! Sorry about your gear.
Yes, many miles, I can't remember the exact river mile. They have a trap, and the deadline is posted, its in the middle of a clearcut, I'd say atleast 10 miles up.
Wow, now THAT is quite an adventure...being cooped up like that with all of those girls...ZOIKES!!! :naughty::naughty::naughty:

Glad to see that you met up, with another fellow so share part of the fishing adventure with. And you inked some steel. Lost some stuff, but found some stuff.

Overall a good day I'd say (minus busting your rod of course...sorry about that).
Thanks for the replies!Yes,snappin my rod was a total bummer.Seems like I have to buy a new one every year:confused:. I love to take my doggy fishin,and he is as dedicated to it as I am. He always knows the instant me or my buddy hooks one,I think he picks up on the body language or something.He has never got sick from the salmon flukes, I really dont know why, as he is always rolling around in nasty rotten fuglies. I dont let him get to blood or guts,but I am pretty sure he spent most of a ride home from Nestucca licking a steely in the backseat:shock: and didn't get sick.... IDK, he is lucky or immune:D
Both of my dogs have had salmon poisoning, one almost died, recognized the others case right of the bat, they go down to the creek and find the dead salmon in the fall. $$$ spendy
Thanks for the replies!Yes,snappin my rod was a total bummer.Seems like I have to buy a new one every year:confused:. I love to take my doggy fishin,and he is as dedicated to it as I am. He always knows the instant me or my buddy hooks one,I think he picks up on the body language or something.He has never got sick from the salmon flukes, I really dont know why, as he is always rolling around in nasty rotten fuglies. I dont let him get to blood or guts,but I am pretty sure he spent most of a ride home from Nestucca licking a steely in the backseat:shock: and didn't get sick.... IDK, he is lucky or immune:D

Nice to be able to take your partner out with you and not really worry about salmon poisoning. Tight lines!
Troutdude, I stepped on my rod with all my wieght jumping off a log.DOH! I doubt any rod would have survived. I generally use graphite rods,as I like a nice fast action. I am really hard on my gear,and need to just pull my head out, and be more careful!
He Alsea hows the fish'en your way??? I lived on the Alsea river for 18 years! ") Miss it????
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