? 4 U'all

I am down to the point where I don't fish much anymore and I am selling my boat, but I have a question, should I go ahead and keep it and have a hard time getting in and out or just rent a pontoon boat for the day. For what I pay in monthly payments and gas I can rent a pontoon and still fish fairly comfortably and as long as I don't go more than about 14-16 times a year I will still break pretty much even.. any thoughts on this idea. I really do love my Duckworth boat!!!!!
My father used to own a 24' Party Barge with a 60 hp Merc.
he used almost every day while his health permitted.
Later on he could only get out when someone would come to visit that could help him launch and get his wheelchair onboard. But he still was glad he had it at the ready go whenever anyone would come to visit. I'd also mention that he lived at a lake where the development had it's own launch ramp close by his home
After he died my mother used it only a few times then sold it off.
As to whether this suits your inquiry, I couldn't say. But that was his experience.
But he owned his boat outright having bought it after hitting the CA lottery with 5 of 6 numbers.
So aside from fuel, insurance, annual lake use fee, and maintenance, it cost him nothing to keep it ready to go.
Certainly far less than a rental whenever he had the chance to go.
got to thinking about what you said, and also thinking about what a fellow fisher had to say and tonight on the way in from town I put together a system in my head about 3 for sure different things I need to do. So I thank you for that information. I may only get to use it a few times a year but there is something that makes a person feel good when he can fish in his own boat. Duckie sets in a shop all the time when not fishing and the only problem I have is some dang mud bugs nesting in the water indication outlets and very often I need to clean out those pipes. I keep telling myself I am going to tape them off but have not YET. Thanks for the positive remarks. I have talked with a couple of people and both of them have said to follow your heart. With the exception of my military time I have fished Diamond since around 54-56. Used to go to fish lake down by Tiller and Lamola but for some reason Diamond keeps pulling me back. I have had a few interested people in my boat but have only heard from one person on it so I think maybe I will decide to keep it AGAIN this year. If you see a gimpy oldish dude with a heavy walking staff and with a gray beard at Diamond don't be afraid to say hi.

got to thinking about what you said, and also thinking about what a fellow fisher had to say and tonight on the way in from town I put together a system in my head about 3 for sure different things I need to do. So I thank you for that information. I may only get to use it a few times a year but there is something that makes a person feel good when he can fish in his own boat. Duckie sets in a shop all the time when not fishing and the only problem I have is some dang mud bugs nesting in the water indication outlets and very often I need to clean out those pipes. I keep telling myself I am going to tape them off but have not YET. Thanks for the positive remarks. I have talked with a couple of people and both of them have said to follow your heart. With the exception of my military time I have fished Diamond since around 54-56. Used to go to fish lake down by Tiller and Lamola but for some reason Diamond keeps pulling me back. I have had a few interested people in my boat but have only heard from one person on it so I think maybe I will decide to keep it AGAIN this year. If you see a gimpy oldish dude with a heavy walking staff and with a gray beard at Diamond don't be afraid to say hi.

While it's always possible I could by some chance travel over the bump to try for crappie at Diamond lake, I just don't see it in my future plans. But there's always a maybe in that.
One thing about keeping that boat. You'll want to make sure you have it set up to start and run the motor at least every two months and more often if you can.
I've been told by many Marine tech guys that motors sitting for long periods between uses is the hardest thing on them as far as breakdowns.
thanks for the info, however one of my jobs in the navy was small boats. No Crappie in
Diamond strictly a trout pond.
Ah. Well I have little interest in trout and what I do have is easily satisfied in local waters.
I suppose the closest good crappie waters is still Prineville, if I ever get there.
Shaun: I didn't catch the tiger my fishing partner did and nope that is the first one in my boat. As for catching crappie I don't think I hold my mouth right n Duckie is a bit big to get into those areas. Haven't caught one since Elbow back in the late 70's early 80's. Don't really know what the heck is going on, I said just the other day I was going to fix my boat so I could use it and today a guy showed up interested in buying it. I wish the good lord would make up his mind. However I think this guy may be on the be back train also, just like the others who have looked at it. Oh well he has till Saturday to make up his mind. If not by then it is mine again.. I used all my used car sales tricks on him and could not get anything past "I have to talk to the wife"
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