3 rivers

Ok need some info on this river in case I decide to go find it. I got a ugly stick rod and an okuma reel set up for steelhead with 12lb mono. How fast does this river move? Can I use jigs and lures that weigh less than an once and be able to fish it with some ease? I dont want to waste my whole fishing day by getting there and not be able to fish due to lack of proper gear. and is it the nestucca that it dumps into? Any news of what is being caught and technique or bait being used? I know I'm asking for a lot of info but I never done this kind of fishing nor ever seen these rivers and it looks like I will be alone friday.
You can fish it with small jigs no problem. If you hook in to something don't assume that it is a steelie though I'm sure the nooks are in there now to. Just make sure to not try to horse something in on that #12 line if it is a nook or a good size steelie your snap the line. Three rivers is not a lage hard to fish river at all can fish it like you do any other river. Good luck out there and let us now how it works out for you.

I fished the 3 river last Saturday for two hour and come home empty.Good luck, try drift some yarn eggs balls. I cough two stillhead last november..Couple people i talk to they said that it has been slow this month...Need to try to get there early morning before the crowd of people get there...Good luck..
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There's not much of a crowd right now. Limited amount of shuttles being ran and only a few bankies thoughout the river.
I don't think it really matters to much where you go there is going to be people there. Some places are wores then others. Nothing like it is when coho season kicks in though.

Right now 3 Rivers is extremely low and clear. You'd have a better chance hitting the mouth of 3 Rivers on the Nestucca. It's on the right side of the Hwy about 1 mile leaving Hebo headed towards Cloverdale. You'll see a boat ramp sign right at the turn. Be sure to pay the $3 for the day pass. If you do end up fishing 3 Rivers I would drift fish small chunks of bait with 1 or 2 small split shots or toss some spinners. If you fish the Nestucca you'll have to add more weight but the amount will vary for each hole. There are winter/summer steelhead and springers available right now. The springers are just starting to trickle in and it should get good really soon. Good Luck if you make it over there.
try drifting a single medium size orange or red corky pegged at the hook.. nothing else.. it can be deadly on small, clear rivers..
eggs said:
try drifting a single medium size orange or red corky pegged at the hook.. nothing else.. it can be deadly on small, clear rivers..

Yes it can be very deadly. When the rivers are low and clear small is much better.

I heard they closed down three rivers from the bridge up the hatchery just FYI. That means no fishing at the hatchery.
BlackBass said:
I heard they closed down three rivers from the bridge up the hatchery just FYI. That means no fishing at the hatchery.

HUH? I highly doubt that. The springers are just starting to come in. I believe it closes July 1st - Sept 30 from the mouth to the deadline at the hatchery if I'm not mistaken. Unless this just recently happened over night or something?

Three Rivers (Nestucca Basin,
Tillamook/Yamhill Co):
1. Mainstem
• Open for adipose fin-clipped steelhead entire year.
• Open for adipose fin-clipped spring Chinook salmon April 1-June 30.
• Open for fall Chinook salmon Oct. 1-Dec. 31; 2 adult Chinook salmon per day, 4 in
any 7 consecutive days, 10 per season in aggregate from all Nehalem, Tillamook, and
Nestucca bays and streams.
• Closed from mouth upstream to hatchery weir deadline July 1-Sept. 30.
• Use of bait allowed.
• No angling from a floating device.

NO Reg changes or updates for the NW Zone this year so far per ODFW's website..
Well the way they open and close things I wouldn't be shocked if it did. I don't know the 3 rivers area or what happens out there very well but nothing they do would shock me :lol:

Just what i heard from a buddy who fishes the river a lot. If you dont believe me then go find out for yourself. He told me that it was closed from the hatchery bridge to the deadline. I dont realy care what happens to the fishery its a joke at best. Flossing springers in 1 foot of water in late june is not appealing to me.
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BlackBass said:
You can highly doubt that all you want . I dont care if you do not think so. I know for a fact its closed . from the bridge to the hatchery. You dont believe me go find out yourself you only live 26 miles away.

How do you know?
BlackBass said:
Just what i heard from a buddy who fishes the river a lot. If you dont believe me then go find out for yourself. He told me that it was closed from the hatchery bridge to the deadline. I dont realy care what happens to the fishery its a joke at best. Flossing springers in 1 foot of water in late june is not appealing to me.

According to ODFW it's open, and that's all that matters since they make the rules. Your buddy must have misunderstood someone or something. Here is a quote from ODFW's weekley recreation report.



Steelhead angling has been fair. The catch is a mix of bright summer steelhead and winter steelhead in various conditions. Many of the winter steelhead are dark and should be released. Bobber and jigs are working well as the water drops, but drifting small lures or baits near the bottom is producing fish also. Spring chinook will begin to sow in small numbers any time now. Fishing will improve in May. Concentrate on tidewater or lower river areas early in the season. Bobber and eggs is a good technique. Casting spinners in tidewater areas will produce some fish also."

Sure as heck doesn't sound closed to me?!
Just my 2 cents, but Pat (Nestucca River Outfitters) has been saying there have been a couple springers taken from the mouth of 3rivers on up. If anyone would know if its closed or not I would think it would be him. And to me, it sounds like 3rivers is open.
I thought that i clearly stated that what i "HEARD" was a closure from the HATCHERY bridge to the deadline. Take a moment to understand what your reading. I didn't say a complete closure of three rivers ! I would think that someone would take the time to read what i said before making a comment. I heard that Three rivers was closed from the Hatchery bridge to the deadline at the weer . Sheesh
Lets all take a deep breath here and give eachother a big hug.
Ok that's better now lets go get some fish out there.
so it is closed for that 30 feet of water from the bridge to the mouth of cedar creek?? i guess that would make sense, 2 weeks ago i went by the hatchery and there wasn't a single car at the hatchery hole.. i found that a bit odd.

I haven't seen or heard anything posted about the closure there from anywhere other then this thread, it might be posted at the parking area right there.. if it isn't i don't see how you could get in trouble for fishing there as they havent made a news announcement or emergency reg change on ODFW website(the place they tell you to check for changes).

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