2 rod angling in Oregon?

I was looking in the 2010 Oregon fishing regulations and I noticed on page 105,under fees there is a 2 rod angling license for $17.00. I can't find any description or other info on it? Dose anybody know what it is for,or what it lets you do?
Do you know where to find the rules? Is it ok for rivers and streams? Probly not? But in some states you can.
2 rod reg

2 rod reg


Look in the 2010 reg guide, very bottom of pg. 7 and right under "General Restrictions". As you will see, it ONLY applies to "standing water bodies" and not moving water.

And it's not real clear, but it looks to me like the $17 "two rod" license is in addition to the $33 we now have for fork out for a standard license.

Tight lines,

So much wonderful...

So much wonderful...

You must do this....you have to at least for the first year. I can't remember having more fun with all my cloths on in a very long time;) The fresh water Salmon and Trout angling has just jumped in to second gear...It so much fun, the bag limit hasn't changed just the number of rods you can use at once.

Yes this is great! I can now fish bate and luers at the same time. Though, it's going to be interesting to double up...:shock:
I guess you could have one right hand real and one left, put them in rod holders on either side of you and if you double up then just leave the rods in the holders and real with both hands! :lol: You'd look like you were jumping rope! :lol: That would be a sight to see.
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