Recent content by Murphythedog

  1. M

    Flies for resident cutthroats in spring.

    Soft hackles, parachutes, chubbys. I fish the Willamete pretty often and while some days are better than others it’s usually really good fishing up there. Fish have been feeding like crazy the last month or so.
  2. M

    Winter trout fly fishing

    no I’m actually in Florence on the coast. That water report is from fall creek out of jasper not the Fall River over east which is on my list of places to go this year for sure lol
  3. M

    Winter trout fly fishing

    I try to get out three times a week atleast even during the winter and it’s been difficult the last few weeks finding good water due to the rains. Atleast in my part of the state...
  4. M

    Novice looking for small trout streams

    I did try an EHC for a while as a dry dropper set up with a pheasant tail underneath of it with no luck on either but I don’t know if that was just the wrong place at the right time or they were just not interested in either.
  5. M

    Novice looking for small trout streams

    the majority in the 8-10” range with one pushing 14”. I did see some larger ones (guessing 16-18”) rising in one of the pools but I only got one to strike and I broke my tippet on the hook set and I really had to reach out to get into their feeding zone. I am pretty partial to the purple haze...
  6. M

    Novice looking for small trout streams

    Quartzville would be a good place to try that. A handful of deep plunge pools just within the first half of the part of the river I explored yesterday.
  7. M

    Novice looking for small trout streams

    I went to quartzville yesterday due to a very unexpected day off from work. Fishing was excellent mid afternoon to evening. I didn’t get there til around ten so I can’t comment on the morning hatch. Pretty slow in the early afternoon (10:30-1ish) Lots of bugs around. Caught five fish all on...
  8. M

    Novice looking for small trout streams

    I live on the Siuslaw and still find myself traveling a fair distance to find good water. It’s not bad in the higher stretches of river, and we do get a decent blueback run. It did close on the 31st though for trout I believe. It did seem to hold a lot more and bigger sized trout a handful of...
  9. M

    Novice looking for small trout streams

    how far up quartzville creek would you guys recommend heading up before getting your fly in the water? I’ve never been there but have been looking at it on the map all morning and was just curious.
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