When do winter steelhead arrive on coastal river systems?

skunk said:
Just remember we all had to learn sometime. Yes hard work and sacrifice is needed, but sometimes its nice to be shown the ropes. If you don't want to post about a specific spot, which I understand, then perhaps another good way is to offer to take us newbies out, as a member here has done for me. Its easier to help new people learn one on one, or a few at a time than to take on everyone at once.

This is very true and most of us hope to think this is what this site is about, helping other learn.

By the way welcome to our little fishing forum.

^ There is nothing better then standing on a dark river bank in December/January, with a good friend waiting for there to be enough light to make your first cast. Shaking a little in excitement for that strike you may not even get and shaking a little more because you are already freezing. At the end of the day neither that elusive strike or the fact that you are still freezing matter, another good day standing in a river.

If that dont apeal to you- bass fishing heats up late May.

:clap:well said!!!:clap:
youngbuck307 said:
halibuthitman i fish bait and i but my cigarette butts in a pocket on my vest and take them back home with me! some of them might but wouldnt say a lot of them or most of them do lol

You are among the respected few that appreciate the wilderness where fish live. You understand the necessity to keep it free of evidence that people had been there. I think what HHitman was referring to, regarding bait fishermen, was that most garbage you find along the banks are items such as empty Pautzki jars, styrofoam nightcrawler cups and snarls of monofilament things that fly fishermen don't carry. Cigarettes, beer cans and gum wrapers are a different subject.:D
OK Start Over!!

OK Start Over!!

bigdog said:
:naughty:No I thought it was at 8:25 am,:think: now I have to get my boss to let me change my work time. Oh wait I'm my boss ok never mind I'm set:cool:.

With all the rain and the rivers going up and down we can ALL start over learning where the good holes are. Most of the ones I go to are gravel bars and now there not???



halibuthitman said:
I never thought your post was dumb.... it sounded lazy, and lacked true heart, which happpens to be worse becouse there is an excuse for being dumb, .....

There are no dump posts...

Geniuses has it's limits, Stupidity has none....

- Albert Einstein
GDBrown said:
There are no dump posts...

Is a "dump" post worse than a "dumb" post? :lol:
halibuthitman said:
Your question has no answer... so you asked a null and void question... and got many of the same kind of answers. I will share the only thing I know to be 100% acurate about fishing.... "you have to catch your own fish" a "report" fish is harder to catch than an ethiopian chicken. These awsome fish travel 10,000 miles in the ocean before they return, and much like the police often arrive long after they are expected. I often fish small rivers with runs of 300-500 fish, needle in a haystack, those fish are my finest trophys, they were quite unlikely and all native and tough. So the best time for coastal steelhead is when you decide you would like to spend a day on the water... fish are bonuses. and if time and money are such an important part of your program, then steelheadin probably isn't a good hobby for you. I would head to the miami the second the water goes down if I were you, but there are probably only six fish in there today... that each weight 12 lbs!

well said.....i totally agree...its fishing...and not punching keywords on google...ending up with 30,000 different results...lol...i donno..some people believe in that..

MASMITH.....i know what you mean.....

and well members i'm sorry to say but STOP RUNNING IN CIRCLES... Jeeeezzzzz... he asked a question give him a straight answer... and stick to the thread ....

Of my 5 years of fishing in oregon ....thanksgiving is a kickoff...but its not for sure anymore....yeah you can hear " i heard from this guy who knows everything" kinda people but with our system changing , fish immigration is changing every year.....

Like you said for gaurantee...man... thats the only word which is not in fish dictionary....but i'll say middle of january...fish any river closer to you which does get steely run...and i'm very sure with the time your devoting..... you will nail these metalheads...especially if your closer to coast.....

Important piece of advice when it comes to catching fish....
If your not confident in yourself, you won't hook a fish even though there might be catchable numbers.

Now go get'em..and don be selfish hookin up all of 'em ..leave some for us.
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Bohemian said:
Is a "dump" post worse than a "dumb" post? :lol:

Only if I make it. lol
halibuthitman said:
I never thought your post was dumb.... it sounded lazy, and lacked true heart, which happpens to be worse becouse there is an excuse for being dumb, but trying to win a medal without even running a race is just sad. you want to win the girl.... without fighting the bully. get out.... fish with frozen guides, take your lumps... give the fish the respect of EARNING it.

you crack me up.......lol...thats right you don get the best gurl without goin in brawl...everybody wants her.....lol...
aaaah right... yes there are dumb questions, and no you cannot be anything you want when you grow up if you put your mind to it.... stop lying to our children.:naughty:
halibuthitman said:
aaaah right... yes there are dumb questions, and no you cannot be anything you want when you grow up if you put your mind to it.... stop lying to our children.:naughty:

Oh good does this mean I don't have to by christmass gifts for them from santa any more:clap:
nointrntrprts said:
this is the trend of the newer fishermen - internet report, then go chase em! this is good and bad - good for me cause they end up showing up a day late and a fish short, bad for the sport cause they usually show up, trash a place, dis-respect the resource.....

as was pointed out - ya GOTTA take your lumps and show these fish a little respect.

sharing how to's and jig/fly swaps are pretty cool on internet sites - where to's and gps locations are a notta imho.

Yep, that's the plan moron. Just here to read a report, show up a day late, and trash the place.

Sounds like Ifish thinking (never say where or when to go, god forbid anyone would show up there...)
masmith said:
Yep, that's the plan moron. Just here to read a report, show up a day late, and trash the place.

Sounds like Ifish thinking (never say where or when to go, god forbid anyone would show up there...)

You need to chill out. You asked a question and it was answered. There are fish in the system's now. They will continue to be there in increasing numbers until the end of winter/spring. Just because it wasn't the answer you wanted doesn't mean it wasn't the correct answer.

You can't expect everyone to tell you exactly where to go when it took most people years of trial and error to find their productive holes. If you were serious about wanting to learn how to fish the coastal streams try hitting up people who fish them on a regular basis. Ask if you can tag along and learn the system first hand.

If everyone else has the problem, maybe it's not everyone else
masmith said:
Yep, that's the plan moron. Just here to read a report, show up a day late, and trash the place.

Sounds like Ifish thinking (never say where or when to go, god forbid anyone would show up there...)

Why are you calling people names?? You need to CHILL!! Time to act like an adult. Everyone here is trying to help you, and you turn around and call them names?? I've been reading this thread for some time now and totally understand what every body is saying. There have been some helpful hints. Practice makes perfect. Get out there and fish, have fun.
VagrantAngler said:
You need to chill out. You asked a question and it was answered. There are fish in the system's now. They will continue to be there in increasing numbers until the end of winter/spring. Just because it wasn't the answer you wanted doesn't mean it wasn't the correct answer.

You can't expect everyone to tell you exactly where to go when it took most people years of trial and error to find their productive holes. If you were serious about wanting to learn how to fish the coastal streams try hitting up people who fish them on a regular basis. Ask if you can tag along and learn the system first hand.

If everyone else has the problem, maybe it's not everyone else

OK, apparently you aren't reading the actual posts (I think the problem with the entire thread).

I wasn't responding to "everyone", just to one moronic post. I have learned a lot from this thread- specifically the the posts that answered the questions I asked!

So I am done posting here since apparently people aren't reading this thing.
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masmith said:
OK, apparently you aren't reading the actual posts (I think the problem with the entire thread).

I wasn't responding to "everyone", just to one moronis post. I have learned a lot from this thread- specifically the the posts that answered the questions I asked!

So I am done posting here since apparently people aren't reading this thing.

There are plenty of people reading this thread and plenty of them be nice and giving you some good advice. You got on here asking for some help and people have been more then willing to do so. So you aren't being told the exact date time and location to have a 100% chance at getting a fish, well guess what there is no 100% chance at getting a fish.

People have been telling you what they can to help you, telling you that you need to got out there hit the water and learn the rivers. Your saying you have found a few good holes on the river you want to fish, well go find more holes, learn more rivers and work for the fish you are wanting to get in to. Take the advice people have gave you on here and put it to use, sorry but you have to work for it if you really want it. If you don't want to work for it and want it handed to you then I don't think fishing would be the sport for you, might try going to the store and buying a fish instead, then it's handed to you.

You don't need to come on here being rude and disrespectfull to the members of the forum that have tried to help you or the ones that make the free will to not help you. Calling names and getting the aditude that you have had in this thread are the things that I see on other forums that keep me from being part of them. I don't see in his post anywhere that he said you were going to do what he was talking about just that he has seen it as a trend that a good amount of the people that get info on the net end up doing this stuff. By you getting so offended by that statement could almost make a person think he might have hit that one right on the nose though. I understand that you are younger and with being so you might be a little hot headed at times and get worked up over someone not telling you just what you want to know or hear, but take it as a learning leason and know that not everything in life goes the way we all want it to.

I think you might want to relax a little bitt and maybe think about how you are acting before trying to make enemies on here.

bigdog said:
There are plenty of people reading this thread and plenty of them be nice and giving you some good advice. You got on here asking for some help and people have been more then willing to do so. So you aren't being told the exact date time and location to have a 100% chance at getting a fish, well guess what there is no 100% chance at getting a fish.

Please, please, read the thread!! I asked a question, got answers, very helpful. Then the "you can't just get the when and where to go, just go out and fish" Then the "you can't expect 100% chance bla bla bla bla bla"

OK, read the thread- I never asked that. Just read the thing. You guys inferred alll that stuff, assumed I wasn't willing to put the time in, and on and on it goes. Read the threads, think for a few minutes. Further- if you read the thread you will see that when people actually attempted to answer the question- there were different opinions! My conclusion is that Coastal streams generally are fishable right at thanksgiving and and the run is very heavy by late December. I also learned that they don't spend much time in tidewater.

You see, I asked a question, I got an answer. The rest of this crap is not needed, that's my point. It is the assumptions, people's soap-box, people inferring this or that. If you read the thread- objectively- I think you will all see that all the things you assumed about me have nothing to do with my actual question.

Also, I would like to thank everyone here who read the question, and answered it, you genuinely did help me and I am grateful for that, I just think that it's the other stuff that makes a great, informative thread pointless. In fact, I expect someone to read one line in my post here and go off on something else- again missing the point of the thread, and this post as well. But I guess that's just the nature of an internet forum.
I Grade said:
I completely believe this man because I have done equally irrational things in search of the chrome. These fish drive ordinarily sane men to venture far and wide on the mere vague hope of maybe taking one home. And until you are as good as Osmosis and the Steelhead_Stalkers, you will go home fish-less more often than not. No one dove into the water and stuck the hook in my first steelheads mouth.....I earned it by having iced up guides and snot frozen to my upper lip on those same December/January mornings that others have referred to in previous posts. There is no shortcut, and I think that everyone is basically telling you that you must put your long and tedious hours in before you will have a chance at outsmarting one, and I hope it takes you less time than it took me because I didn't have this forum to help guide me when I was getting started. Best of luck!

I Grade

I Grade,
Spoken like a true angler! You really said it well.:dance:

halibuthitman said:
true dat!
ok mat, I wouldn't "waste your money' for about two more weeks, thats an honest answer, and as far as I know rain is the only thing that influences the push of salmoniods upriver, so I would guess , yes.. they hold in tidewater until rain. The point most of us are trying to make is that you have to go look, for instance, last year I had a day where I started at first light at gnat creek, gave it an hour then blazed to bigcreek, big creek was full of fishermen so I jumped in my truck and shot out to the north fork of the klaskenie, hooked one and lost it... couldnt see a fish in the river after that, so I did 70 down 101 to garibaldi, but got pulled over at cannon beach, filed the ticket in the glove box and made a left turn up to the miami, stomped a few holes to check for fish.... none , off to the wilson.. no where on the wilson spoke to me so I accidently drove all the way past it.. came down off the pass made a left turn drove towards the nehalem but got sidetracked at vernonia pond, lost my train of thought and trout fished the 45 minutes till dark.... I caught 1. Do you really want to fall victim to this kind of mental illness?

I love your post. It reminds me of me. Thank you.:clap:

Mad dog said:
Now your getting it!!! :clap:

The variables that affect when the steelhead will return are infinetely many! Sometimes runs are late, sometimes they are early, sometimes when they show up depends on the weather, sometimes it doesn't!
Will they shoot upriver quickly???? Once again, the variables are infinetely many! Water temperature being the biggest factor. Cold water will really slow down fish movement, really cold water will kill the bite!
I suggest starting in early december, find some popular holes with good bank access, watch the guys that fish it closely! Inevitably, there will be 1 or 2 guys that will hook way more fish than the rest, they may show up late or not stay long, but will hook a lot of fish! Watch those fishermen closely! Probably the best way to learn a specific hole! I don't know how many guys I see fishing the wrong bait in the wrong spot, or simply don't fish the hole correctly, it takes a little time to figure out a piece of water sometimes.

Mad Dog,
Great advice and knowledge. Keep it coming.:lol:


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