This is the way it works with poachers.. etc

Went there for first light this morn and there was a older teenager using a throwing net on pond 6 near the deep part.
I backed off without even talking to him and called 911 and ODFW Poachers line.
The car with flashing lights was at the entrance in 10 mins.

I was so disgusted and put out of my nice mood by all of this i just left after telling the guys where and what was happening.

I implore all of you to do the same phone calls if you see things like this.
:clap::clap::clap: where in the world does a teenager even buy a casting net?
Good Job!!:D
I bet a lot more poachers would get turned in if you got big game prefrence points for fishing violations.
Or a discount on our fishing licenses. :cool:
what is the odfw # so I can do the same
Its on the back on your fishing license
pond six? is that on the clack?
No it's at St. Louis ponds


Good job Grobug. A few years ago I called the Poacher number on a low life that was standing on the wall of a fish ladder. He had a spool of mono running down his Car-harts pants leg to the water. In less than 2 minuets a Man in blue was there. He was one of those no neck ex front four linemen types. He walked out onto the wall reached his arms around this dude lifted him up and carried his prey back to the river bank. This guy had a 4 oz. lead weight with a treble hook the size of a baby's fist with about a doz. worms hanging off. This was right by out shop on the Walla-Walla River and my cohorts and I gave him (the Cop) a round of cheer. Love a good ending story. Jack L.
well depending on the severity of the crime they sometimes award you. I bet they would for big game like elk or something more serious. But to me all poachers are serious buisness and I would have stuck around and gave my insight and perhaps even suggest giving people who help catch poachers incentive to do so.
LOL! :lol:
A really stupid thing that happend.
I was at salish a few days ago and it was a day with Bad weather, And only 2 Old Timers there fishin. A cop talks to everyone and chechs lisences. I was woundering why they dont come on the "Combat" Days when everyones hooking them in the Rooster? Ive never seen a warden on a combat day. Maybe once\but thats all.
That's great!

That's great!

Way to go! :clap: :clap: I think they should make "Super Sportsmen's" trading cards. You turn someone in and they get hauled in or get a ticket,you get to be on the hero cards. Of course, some of our members may not want a mug shot floating around out there...:think: :lol::lol:
:clap::clap::clap:good to hear that,,,,he needs to learn the hard way
Nice call i hate moth catchers that do that kind of ****! It just screws everything up for the rest of us!. I woulda got a **** load of stisfaction on watching the guy fall in the river and swimming sown stream for a few miles before he got a ticket. It wouldnt be to hard for a game warden to find a wet dumb ass poacher walking down the road to walk back to his car on a cold winter day!:mad: By all means he woulda fell in on his own with no help from me!:mad:
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Growbug said:
Went there for first light this morn and there was a older teenager using a throwing net on pond 6 near the deep part.
I backed off without even talking to him and called 911 and ODFW Poachers line.
The car with flashing lights was at the entrance in 10 mins.

I was so disgusted and put out of my nice mood by all of this i just left after telling the guys where and what was happening.

I implore all of you to do the same phone calls if you see things like this.

what a rat good way to be found at the wrong end of the long arm of the law
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Troutmaster said:
what a rat good way to be found at the wrong end of the long arm of the law

Wrapped in his throw-net hopefully.
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Anyfishisfine said:
Wrapped in his throw-net hopefully.

I wonder if he was talking about Growbug?
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TTFishon said:
I wonder if he was talking about Growbug?

My thought too, so I figured I'd fix it for him.

Odd first post :think:
Troutmaster said:
what a rat good way to be found at the wrong end of the long arm of the law.

That is one hell of first post, good way to be found a grade A ashpole from the get go. I bet you are, or know the donkey spit responsible for this cowardly act. If so, I hope you/he got the book thrown at you. You/he is lucky that it was growbug who saw you, because had it been me, I'm not sure that I would have acted so calmly.:mad:
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