we dont have a sonoma county forum either (yes I looked). every forum section cept the spinning, boats, classifieds, and new members say IN OREGON at the end of every section title. I can understand you deffending your cali pal, I can understand you deffending the light line, mattlures and how blue the sky is if you want or how hard concrete is. Thats all true, the fish are nice, great job pulling a hawg w 4lb test. and yes, if a guy from washington post a bunch of hawg shots, doesn't live or fish here, and says look what I can catch in my local pond, Yep I would recommend he stay in that pond and drop his camera. Im sure theres a cali forum where you and Indy can post those california fish. and I may be wrong about you, but your post talk about sonoma enough for me to guess I will not see you on the columbia river. I am not trying to, or looking for an argument, we all know that just leads to bannishment or a mad troutski. Im just an Oregon fisherman. I can show you pics of plenty of fish that I caught in Florida or Hawaii, but I would make a new forum section firsts. Maybe an "on your vacation" forum, or a "look at this fishtale" forum. Sorry, I just stop now, this is retarded and I started it. Im gonna go find my helmet, get on the short bus and go fishing with a kid.