Informal bass tourney /get together

Combat Chuck said:
Its a 12' but a little awkward to carry. It sounds like there will be plenty of people though. We can just hope the gate gets open :)

may just have to lift him over the gate just kidding LOL
HAHAHA I will sit in the boat and let you guys lift it over! Hopefully I wont be so gimpy by the time this happens, I have finally started to heal.
Raincatcher said:
Sounds like a blast! Keep us all posted about the date.

Thinkin end of July to early august maybe on a fri , like i said want to know what works best for all . bass should be in a good pattern for mornin bite by then !
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Finneus, what ever happen to the get togather? Has it already come and gone?
ya im curious as to whats going on with this as well! id like to chip in on this tourney
im interested as well. i dont think its happend yet, last i heard.
Sorry for the delay there guys ,It has not happened ,as a matter of fact just been waiting for this recent lull to pass . The most recent team Polebender outing was held at the private pond and the bite was back !!! have built an even better reprore with the owners and feel more confident now they would allow a tourney to happen . the only problem we have is it must be on a weekday if we are to hold the event there . Am also working on a back up location or two both private to have in case the first location does not pan out . If you all could please chime in with which friday mornin in aug or early sept will work best for you . the choices will be13 ,20 ,27 of aug or 10 ,17 of sept. in the mean time should know if alternative locations will be available by wed. this week . If either of the alternative locations can be worked out we will use them, as the event could then occur on a weekend. will post choices of dates for them once we find out if they will work. please get your vote in for the dates I have listed by wed. of this week so I can call to make arrangements as far in advance of decided date as possible . We will keep our fingers crossed think it would be great to get a bunch of us together for fishin ,food ,and fun . Thanks FP
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is it ok if we bring our family? wife, kid, etc
As long as I get the owners approval it will be ok for kids etc.There is a small dock to fish from and a picnic area at the launch .Am going to pop the proposition to them this weekend and shoot for the next available fri ,then hope most that are interested Will be able to attend. Lets keep our fingers crossed and wish me luck ,am optimistic as they have been wonderful folks .
FP, may have missed it but what area is this private pond...or lake???
ive got my fingers crossed
nwkiller said:
FP, may have missed it but what area is this private pond...or lake???

It is a private pond .
The First Annual OFF Bass tourney is a go!!!!!!!!!! thanks to all who kept the fingers crossed and especially the most gracious owners for allowing us to have a get together!!! As all who expressed interest know the Date for the tourney will be Fri Aug 27th will run from Dawn till dusk or until we have all had our fill . Have sent PM invites out to all who have posted/replied prior to this post ,so if by some strange reason you have replied prior to this message and have not recieved a PM just let me know and we will fix that . There will be an ongoing BBQ/ Potluck during the event so am asking that all who participate bring a side dish and if you dont like burgers or dogs ,whatever you wish to throw on the grill. Participants will need to bring their own beverages ,which leads me to the couple changes from the original requirements set up at the start of the thread . first the gate will be open"hooray" and the ramp can be used to launch trailored boats "though there is a limitation to their size" so indicate the size of boat you intend to bring in your reply , and trolling motors will be ok . this will also allow for parking! second I will allow happy beverages to be brought as long as those who partake do so in moderation ,I dont want to regulate or have to ask anyone to leave ,and the thing that concerns me most is we will all be driving out of there at some point. For those who have recieved invites please respond no later than 8pm 8-20-10 or you risk losing your spot . For anyone who responds after this post or wishes to join us slots will be available dependent on the replies recieved from those already invited . If some of those folks cannot make it invitations will go out by the order of post/request for a slot first come first serve. once I recieve all the rsvps will make a determination about boat to participant ratio and determine if there are any available"open seats" that can be added . ALL other rules remain as posted in the first part of the thread , and if there are any questions please post them or PM me with them and will get them answered .once the final field of participants is set will send out PMs with directions to the event to all participating. Look forward to meeting many of you and fishin again with those Ive already met ! Should be a great Opertunity for us to get together for food ,fun ,and fishin!!! P.S. really need input now for catagories /structure of tourney now that it is reality Thanks Finneus Polebender
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Dang only if this was on a Saturday!
Derick said:
Dang only if this was on a Saturday!

Due to the fri nature of the event have a feeling there will be room for more anglers have had a couple folks already say they wont be able to attend so just let me know and we will more than likely get you a slot . Although the oppertunity to start at dawn is there this will be very informal more of a get together than a tourney so participants can start much later if they wish. Thanks FP
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Well one week away and not many takers yet ! gonna open it up to anyone who can fish on the 27th will still be fishin for sure just gonna have to make a game time decision on the potluck BBQ thing depending on responses over the next few days .So far the list includes Ryan 808, thuggin , riverfisher ,and yours truly .Have three others at the maybe stage so just post here to grab a slot seem to have plenty of space left thanks FP
if i come can i ride on the back of your pontoon with you :) you paddle, ill fish
Just realized i will be in california sorry can't make it.
tomriker said:
if i come can i ride on the back of your pontoon with you :) you paddle, ill fish

You my freind will have your choice of boats , and sure as long as someone video tapes LOL !
Thuggin4Life said:
Just realized i will be in california sorry can't make it.

Ahh no prob the field shrinks a bit ,Like I said though what the heck got the day off and the gates open so even if it is just Ryan 808 and I ,will still be enjoying topwater served up steamy morning glass style ! gonna get you out after the bass one of these days Andy ,have fun in Ca . Good job on the salmon too ,think I may try for some minyana with my salmon /steelhead buddy . He says he usually waits till sept 1 but said also that if it is another poor run now is as good a time as any !

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