I have come to terms with the issue...

ninja2010 said:
thank you all for the encouraging words... i'm not feeling down or bad, just coming to terms with the whys and wherefores...

and i know the fishgods will give in coz i never give up... :D

I mean if you think it'll help we can see if we can arrange about 20 pastey white guys to dress up in straw outfits with masks made outta bark to dance around half naked trying to stir up the gods in an attempt to rustle you up some strikes. Bet we could even get Kodiak to rustle up some fancy midgets
Hey Ninja - lets go whoop the heck outta a pile of pelagic/rockfish! Back to what you know you can do!
Just a matter of time and it will click into place, then you'll have to buy chest freezers to accomodate all the filets!
hey ninja, don't let this get you down. Take a look at TB's salmon and steelhead bank; 0.00 Dollars and he's been at it for twelve years! ( just joking around TB. I just wanted ninja to feel better):dance:
Coho and fall Nooks are coming...It will happen. When they get into EC you can pick them off no problem.
again, i don't feel bad...:lol: just setting things straight with the fishgods in the pacific northwest.

i know it's a matter of time - and the time is upon me. i know it. (no pasty white guys needed, autofisher.)

and osmo, i would love to hear the salt reels screaming again, but not until i nail these salmonids. it'll click. and the knowledge you've imparted have actually started some clicking already. things make more sense and it'll hapen - again and again - and as kodiak pointed out, they're coming... and i'm ready!
Well you can start by not calling them "gods" Any entity that would hold a person up for 1000 hours doesn't deserve a title which implies their existence is that of a "greater being". ;)
ninja2010 said:
i have been fishing since i was 7... and i have caught thousands fish - large and small, salt and freshwater - even caught lahontans in alkaline lakes.

but i have yet to hook a salmon, steelhead or bass ever since i've started fishing here in oregon... and i have been religiously hitting the waters every weekend for the past eight months - almost 1000 hours. i have fished several of the more reknowned rivers here, and i have tried all methods (except fly).

i have finally come to terms with that. the fishgods are feeding me the humble pie, and i must say i am truly humbled. :(

now can we get on with it... and quit yanking my chain, fishgods of the pacific northwest? :mad:

Keep trying.
It took me five seasons to land my first winter steel.That first fish is now my handle on OFF.Just keep putting in your time and remember the old and true cliche,"patience is a virtue":D
steelhead1 said:
It took me five seasons to land my first winter steel.

if i can't get one on before my license run out this year, i'm taking up knitting and joining a pilates class... :lol::lol::lol:
I caught my first Nook today.
Go to Big Creek Tomarrow Morning. Its a For Sure thing. If you get there Early enough ;)
Troutier Bassier said:
I caught my first Nook today.
Go to Big Creek Tomarrow Morning. Its a For Sure thing. If you get there Early enough ;)

There you go!:clap: One for the bank! I don't see the account below your signature any more though. :think: Personally I was hoping to watch it increase.

I presume Big Creek towards Astoria if I'm thinking of the right place. Also try Gnat Creek. These are places where I have seen tons of salmon in water no deeper than your ankles. The fish literally scoot across inches of water from pool to pool. Absolutely incredible. Gotta hurry and get your time in though because it closes for the month of September.
ninja2010 said:
i'll keep an eye out for that thread... and yeah, i'm gonna hunt them down and all they gotta do is bite me...:lol:

you're on. but i don't want no unfair advantage coz i live in steely country. let's make it winter steelhead. what i catch (listen up, fishgods :pray:) before i have to fish with raingear and polypro on doesn't count. how's that?

Sooo glad you said that:D. I just talked to my bro on the trinity; the 'nooks are coming! I'm stoaked. Going up there in about a week...one of us will start a separate thread for the winter steelhead contest when the time is right...tight lines ahead!
It opens up again in Octobre! lol Octobre.
Troutier Bassier said:
It opens up again in Octobre! lol Octobre.

...glad to see you got your sig updated. and quit smiling so much, you need to wipe that drool off your chin!:lol:
Troutier Bassier said:
I caught my first Nook today.
Go to Big Creek Tomarrow Morning. Its a For Sure thing. If you get there Early enough ;)

want to race for the first coho or steelhead? :D It's not going to be fair though because I get taken once or twice a month...
Yeah, Im not sure its gonna be Fair Either cause I dont know How to Do stuff right.
Troutier Bassier said:
Yeah, Im not sure its gonna be Fair Either cause I dont know How to Do stuff right.

So you'll have time to experiment.
You should have the way upper hand. You have tons of gear (compared to me), the same resources, and a dad that fishes well. You have also caught more fish than me over your lifetime, and you get taken a lot to go fish.
You dident get it but Whatever.
Im gonna catch one First So theres No need for a Race.
Troutier Bassier said:
You dident get it but Whatever.
Im gonna catch one First So theres No need for a Race.

Good luck with those bLuE FoXEs :D
Ok Good luck with those Sharpie Spinners.

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