Vintage float fishing

My first experience with float fishing was when I visited Steve Carpenter in B.C in the mid 80's. I traveled North from Oregon with Phil Pirone (Pres Pro-Cure) and his son for a five day camping/fishing trip. We went to Silver Hope Creek and used "Dink" floats with roe and wore out our arms. The best technique in this fast boulder strewn river was to cast upstream of a boulder and allow the split shot to hit the boulder and roll around to the back side to a waiting Steelhead. Aren't many actual textbook runs, most of Silver Hope Creek is rapid small tail-out and another rapid.

Silver Hope Creek is where the Rambo movie First Blood was filmed. The town he took out (blew up) is actually Hope B.C., not a small town in Washington like the movie portrayed (just a little history).

(Okay some more history) The B.C. "Dink" float was so named because it could offhandedly resemble an anatomical part of a young male person. They are made from "Backer Rod" which is a gap filler in the construction industry. I believe I was the first to introduce them to NorCal when fishing the Gualala River; also 1984. One hole was snag city and I caught several Steelhead with the Dink Float and a 4" pink worm, also not used in CA at the time. I got lots of high fives that day from the locals; fun day of fishing.
Afterwards traded some "Dink" Floats and Pink worms for cold beer at a local pub; happy it was a car camping trip.

I've noticed Danielson sells packaged "Dink Floats. A large roll of Backer Rod is a few dollars. You'll need a small amount of fluorescent paint suitable for rubber to paint the top and some small diameter tubing to make the holes for your line (see photo)

Anyone use "Dink" Floats?

Photo is of Phil and Jeramie Pirone on Silver Hope Creek Circa 1984 & how to rig a "Dink" Float.
  • silverhopecreek.jpg
  • dinkfloat.jpg
Billamicasr said:
My first experience with float fishing was when I visited Steve Carpenter in B.C in the mid 80's. I traveled North from Oregon with Phil Pirone (Pres Pro-Cure) and his son for a five day camping/fishing trip. We went to Silver Hope Creek and used "Dink" floats with roe and wore out our arms. The best technique in this fast boulder strewn river was to cast upstream of a boulder and allow the split shot to hit the boulder and roll around to the back side to a waiting Steelhead. Aren't many actual textbook runs, most of Silver Hope Creek is rapid small tail-out and another rapid.

Silver Hope Creek is where the Rambo movie First Blood was filmed. The town he took out (blew up) is actually Hope B.C., not a small town in Washington like the movie portrayed (just a little history).

(Okay some more history) The B.C. "Dink" float was so named because it could offhandedly resemble an anatomical part of a young male person. They are made from "Backer Rod" which is a gap filler in the construction industry. I believe I was the first to introduce them to NorCal when fishing the Gualala River; also 1984. One hole was snag city and I caught several Steelhead with the Dink Float and a 4" pink worm, also not used in CA at the time. I got lots of high fives that day from the locals; fun day of fishing.
Afterwards traded some "Dink" Floats and Pink worms for cold beer at a local pub; happy it was a car camping trip.

I've noticed Danielson sells packaged "Dink Floats. A large roll of Backer Rod is a few dollars. You'll need a small amount of fluorescent paint suitable for rubber to paint the top and some small diameter tubing to make the holes for your line (see photo)

Anyone use "Dink" Floats?

Photo is of Phil and Jeramie Pirone on Silver Hope Creek Circa 1984 & how to rig a "Dink" Float.

Good stuff, thanks for sharing.
Yes I do use dink floats! They are made from "Backer Rod" which is a gap filler in the construction industry. Backer rod is treated with chemicals to keep the bugs and critters from chewing and gaining access behind cracks. I now use foam darts that are used in kids toys(not a lot of harmful chems)." 1984. One hole was snag city and I caught several Steelhead with the Dink Float and a 4" pink worm, also not used in CA at the time. I got lots of high fives that day from the locals"Billamicasr. I must have been one of the locals also. Tony

Anyone use "Dink" Floats?
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Very cool, Bill.

Thanks for that,
I run a Dink from time to time. It's hard to find 4" ( the ones I like ) so I've modified a few 6" ones.
I fished dink floats all the time when I lived in Washington and also when I would fish in Canada. I have since refined my technique and don't really fish dink floats anymore.
SteelmonKiller20 said:
I run a Dink from time to time. It's hard to find 4" ( the ones I like ) so I've modified a few 6" ones.
Hi Tanner! I belive I have tried your 4" modified DINK
last time I was out with you. FYI if you ever get near an IKEA outlet look for the 1 1/4" foam wire reinforced coat hangers, pull the wire out, cut foam to size,you know the rest. Tony (aka Igo) p.s. did that oar head work for you?
I decided to catch up with the present so I visited the local Sportsman's Warehouse yesterday and picked up Steelhead Stalker floats, Thill floats, pre-tied bobber stops, a couple packs of pink plastic worms and some very nice jigs.
Much prettier than my old "Dink" floats. Getting excited about the summer run Steelhead. Not too sure if these new shiny floats will catch me more fish, but I'll sure look good trying...

Thanks Casting call for the 'contamination' description of the Backer Rod. I had no idea they were chemically treated; makes perfect sense that they would be. Just never considered it.
"Thanks Casting call for the 'contamination' description of the Backer Rod. I had no idea they were chemically treated; makes perfect sense that they would be. Just never considered it."............I didn't know you were into prettier, I never would have never entered my comments. So now ur styl'n,take your bad look'n self and let the fisherpeeps see how up to date you are.LOL Nice to see you back on the fourm. I guess we must be about the same age. Hope to see on the water some day. I'll the guy with the stingy brim hat and sports coat. Tony
I had considered one of those Indiana Jones Fedora hats; that would be styl'n!
Funny too; a few years ago I would have been self conscious to be seen with one on, but now as an old guy I don't much give a rip what others think about my attire (fishing tackle is another subject).
My older sister (retired Psychiatrist) made a comment years ago that stuck with me. It was during one of those times when I thought I was KOOL.
She said: "How ever you are as a young man you can expect the same only much, much worse when you get older".
It was just about the time I decided to get a bit humble. LOL! She is always so good about telling you what you should do in a diplomatic way.

Me too; hope to see you on the river, I may be the one with the brown fedora, tilted just right.
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