Meldrum first, then on to the Clack

When I made my plans last night, I was going to the Clack around Cross Park, but the pouring rain made me puss out and go plunking from the warm front seat of my truck at Meldrum Bar. Not a huge crowd at the bar, I guess the wonderful weather kept a few regulars at home and dry. So about 9 am the first "fish on" came to a guy a few rods down, who I helped by netting his catch, a nice nook about 28".

About 10 minutes later the second bell rang, and it was on my rod. After a nice fight of about 4-5 minutes I had it right up to the shallows, when it turned and headed back downstream and the hook simply fell out, making me 0 for 3 on springer hookups...I absolutely LOVE the barbless hook rule. SMH
So trying not to be too bummed I gave it a couple more hours and decided to call it quits and head home. But I thought it might be cool to check out Clackamette Park for possible future plunking locations, so I went there for a look around. While I was there the phone rang and it was fellow OFFer ChezJFrey looking to do a little Steelheadin' in the clack, I said I was game, and so we met up and soon after that we were fishing in a couple of his favorite spots on the lower Clackamas. Now I have been hinting to Jeff for some time that I wanted to go fishing with him since I have followed some of his and his cohorts adventures here on the forum, and have been quite impressed with his abilities when it comes to fishing, so my ears were wide open...this was gonna be a great learning experience!!
Ok so let me back up a bit and say in a previous post he helped another fellow OFFer get his first steelie, but not before telling and showing him where to throw his jig by throwing HIS jig in the seam first and promptly saying that that was the perfect cast and that it was right where it should be to catch a fish...just then it was BOBBER DOWN and who gets the fish....ChezJfrey...the teacher. Ok So then there was some banter about Jedi Mind tricks and sith lord childs play yada yada yada...Ok so the details might be slightly off but you get the picture(you can look up the other thread easy enough) forward to today...Chezjfrey...the teacher the student arrive at the first hole he is calling ...I dunno the "money" hole we'll call it . Mike he says let me just show you this seam it goes from here to there and blah blah blah throws his line in and before it can drift five feet ...shaking my head...first cast Bobber down...and lands a nice little native

....If you ever get the chance to fish with Jeffrey, only let him point, and YOU toss the first line in ....He does possess some sort of Jedi vulcan mind meld with fish ability...but it only works on the first cast!!! :worthy:

But seriously, although the only other fish we caught was a handfull of smolts , I learned a lot and had a great time!! Thanks Jeff, I'm really looking forward to the next outing, great to meet you Buddy!!
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mikeee2362 said:
If you ever get the chance to fish with Jeffrey, only let him point and YOU toss the first line in ....He does possess some sort of Jedi vulcan mind meld with fish ability...but it only works on the first cast!!! :worthy:

But seriously, although the only other fish we caught was a handfull of smolts , I learned a lot and had a great time!! Thanks Jeff, I'm really looking forward to the next outing, great to meet you Buddy!!

And it only seems to work in the beginning of the outing and the first time or two I go with someone new...then it's the rest of the day hunting, hunting, scratch...

So, I need to go with someone new again...who's next? Hehehehehehe ;)

Good to meet up with you too, Mikeee...we'll get more of 'em next time!
Hahah good report Mike!

I did one of those last week on the Clack. Walked up and proceeded to tell my girlfriend "This is where you want to cast" and sink goes the bobber.

Good luck,
Excellent report Mike! Especially liked the flashbacks, to the Jedi threads. LOL

BTW, that nook has got to be the deadest looking nook EVER!
ChezJfrey;303885 So said:
Next victim...walk in front of him.

SteelmonKiller20 said:
I did one of those last week on the Clack. Walked up and proceeded to tell my girlfriend "This is where you want to cast" and sink goes the bobber.

YOU TOOO?!?! When we go fishing...and we will one day...I'm walking in front!

troutdude said:
BTW, that nook has got to be the deadest looking nook EVER!

LOL, I know right? After I bonked it with a few short right hooks, another guy ripped his gills out, ya know easy opening can style. Ala no tools or knife necessary. Definitely a seriously dead lookin' fish after that!!
mikeee2362 said:
Jedi vulcan

Thats like a spinner under a bobber, doesn't work. Jedi mind trick or vulcan death pinch. Anyone with both could easily rule the galaxy.

It is true he will catch the only fish, and do it right in front of you.

Great story, thanks for the post.

After a brief confrence with my wife I have been informed that Vulcan Jedi could exist if indeed thy had the capibilities to travel back a long time ago to a galaxy far far away...
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mikeee2362 said:
After I bonked it with a few short right hooks, another guy ripped his gills out, ya know easy opening can style. Ala no tools or knife necessary. Definitely a seriously dead lookin' fish after that!!

I want to see you right hook a fish! Most guys use a rock, stick or a small baseball bat but you Rocky the fish to death. :popcorn:
chrisohm said:
I want to see you right hook a fish! Most guys use a rock, stick or a small baseball bat but you Rocky the fish to death. :popcorn:

See the videos...Ed Fast punches 'em. Just sayin' :)
troutmasta said:
Thats like a spinner under a bobber, doesn't work. Jedi mind trick or vulcan death pinch. Anyone with both could easily rule the galaxy.

It is true he will catch the only fish, and do it right in front of you.

Great story, thanks for the post.

After a brief confrence with my wife I have been informed that Vulcan Jedi could exist if indeed thy had the capibilities to travel back a long time ago to a galaxy far far away...

The wife is always right :lol::lol:
Sounds like you're getting close, Mike.

Hope the next pic you put up is with one of your fish. Keep it up.

so this is the thread ok and yes mike he does to bad it wasn't followed up on my journey and Chez dont think you realize how many times we have fished together planned or not lol it took awhile. Great report none the less and mike still got those railroad spikes if you want them just no time to do what we talked about let me know!
I'll give you a call BB

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