Recent content by fishyden

  1. F

    Reward!! - lost 2 Sage fly rods at Dabney Park on Sandy River

    Try calling the sheriffs office. They do a once over on the park before closing.
  2. F

    So.. what would have happened to me...if I landed it :)

    You can also bag a halibut if they are in season on the ocean of course
  3. F

    Power boats on the McKenzie - your opinion?

    Row row row the boat gently down the stream.
  4. F


    To bad no bounty on the Willamette.
  5. F


    One of these squawfish things they hit like a nook pull a little line then are like a wet sock to the bankwent 0/1 on a steelhead with a pink #4bluefox and caught a sucker with Corky and eggs....
  6. F

    KVAL salmon news report

    I did send an email. I'm just curious why this river. Why not marys river or the long tom? Either way I just want to know how these decisions are made. Is there a public meeting prior to the decision? Or my only right as being a license buying voter is just to trust the decisions they make.
  7. F

    KVAL salmon news report

    What about the wild trout on the coast fork and other wild fish that reside there? In 20 years people will be complaining about what were doing there today just like with what's going on with the mckenzie that started years ago.
  8. F

    Idaho - 2 headed trout

    Treatment ponds 200ft from a river good idea!!! I'm fom boise I remember seeing these as a kid and to think I used to eat trout out of them(the rivers)...mmmm arsenic.
  9. F

    Fin clipped vs. wild steelhead.

    What would fishing be today if the first person to catch a fish decided not to eat it? Having both is ok with me. I'm happy if I catch any. Happier if one gets to go on the grill.
  10. F

    Mouth access

    I think you can walk that path right before the i84 westbound on ramp and it will take you to the mouth. I have parked on the shoulder right after the bridge and walked the river almost to the mouth but there was a lot of quicksand and shadey bum camps in the forested area.
  11. F

    Animal tracks on the Sandy

    ruled him out!!!
  12. F

    Alsea River fishing reports

    When are you planning to head out. I was thinking the slaw tommorow? I got some dough for gas.
  13. F

    Should they stay or should they go?

    I think if they should continue..instead of cross breeding trout to make them more resilient they should only use the native trout from the river they plan to release them in. Still remove the adipose fins to separate the natives and lower the bag limit to two fish. Or get rid of it all together...
  14. F

    Spinning rod cases

    Iv seen some killer bamboo ones homemade.
  15. F

    Took my little girl fishing

    Its fun teaching them how to cast. Funny when they try to throw the line and it goes behind them. Not so funny when you get hooked ...ah its kinda funny.
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