The Flying Lure~amazing or worse lure ever?

I love the lure

I love the lure

I love the Flying Lure! It is great for fishing the floating kelp patches for Yellow Tail. You cruise around off the coast of Southern California looking for floating patches of kelp. Most of the time there will be a few Yellow Tail hiding underneath waiting for the unsuspecting anchovy to come along looking for some shelter to hide in and WAM they snatch it up. You come along but stay a bit away form the patch, cast a Flying Lure just short of the patch and let it swim under it. If they don't bite the first time you just pull it toward you by raising the tip of your rod and then let it go and it will swim back under the patch again. If they don't bite within a two or three tries, there are no Yellow Tail there. I have caught more Yellow Tail that way than I ever have with live bait. With live bait you can't always get the bait to swim under the patch when they have a hook in them and in order to make them go there you have to get too close and you scare the Yellow Tail away, not so with the Flying Lure.
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I know this is old and I am not from Oregon but I had to comment on these lures. I am from Indiana and used these for Bass fishing.

I bought the full kit at Walmart back in probably 1994 after seeing the infomercials. Once I started using them I was amazed at how well they worked. I started changing the way I fished so that I could get them to dip under cover. I started casting with laser accuracy so that it would dip under the cover I wanted it to. I was catching more fish than I ever had before. I fell in love with the flying lure and rapidly ran out of the body colors that worked for me. About that same time they were gone.

I'm not sure how you folks in the NW fish but in the ponds here they were awesome at peeking under something and then popping out which drove the bass insane.

That was my start into finesse fishing. The flying lure rocked if you fished it in the right environment. Casting out 20 yards and then bobbing it along the bottom until you came up to the lilies you wanted to backtrack on was awesome. Pick it up through the cover and let it glide back while waiting for that tiny tap.

I really want to try them these days with Power Pro.

I would love to be able to cast to a weed line where I know bass are and have the lure glide into them instead of trailing stuff along the edge hoping they aren't bored. Amazing product that I wish I could buy.
The Flying Lure has not been available for over 10 yrs and in 2009 when a bunch Bass Man's Buddies decided to Post the lure was not available in stores!! They had all Sold OUT. The reason they sold out was that people that actually new how to fish used them all up catching a bunch of fish. If you never tried it but judged it from a QVC T.V. Show then that explains bad comments about the Lure!! This Lure has caught more fish then any soft plastic worm, shacky head, jig, pop-r, rattle trap, or spinner bait combined. This is a Exclusive Lure that works great because the actual fall rate is Perfect, and the Glide is more of a natural fall then a plastic worm. The lure catches fish on the drop, sitting on the bottom, or being pulled in. Most strikes are on the fall as other soft plastics are sitting on the bottom before the fish takes it. A REALLY GOOD LURE. If you have any old kits post them on Ebay and I bet they sell supper fast!!!! That's the Biggest Proof. LMAO.
Bass Man;n3852 said:
Hello OFF members,

I'm needing some advice, opinions or maybe fishing tips, success stories in regards to Alex Langer's Flying Lure. Yep, I'm an owner of the original as seen on TV kits purchased while channel surfing the infomercials one early morning back in '92. Now I'm not one who normally watches these infomercials but since it was related to fishing I figured what the heck I'd watch for a bit. Well it didn't take long for me to pick up the phone and call in my order, only $39.95 for such an amazing lure, I'd be the envy of every fishermen and fisherwomen around I thought to myself!

For those of you who haven't heard of the Flying Lure:
"The Flying Lure does something no popular lure had ever done. It swims on its own -- completely naturally -- under its own power, away from the fisherman just like live bait. This alone would be enough of an achievement for any lure, but it does even more. The Flying Lure swims into a fish's hiding place where no other lure has gone before. So, it catches fish because it can be presented to fish that are hiding. And that is what fish do most of the time. Penetrate a fish's lair -- and you've got them."

Anywho..I have not caught one fish in 17 years using the Flying Lures:mad: I don't understand it, this was suppose to be the next best thing since the invention of Post-it Notes!!! They said I would catch more fish, bigger fish dang it! I've fished under logs, weeds, docks and still can't catch a lunker or anything else.

So has anyone had any success using the Flying Lures? Should I remove the lures from my tackle box and never use them again? Is this the worse lure ever to be released on TV? Help please..what should I do? :confused:

The Flying Lure has not been available for over 10 yrs and in 2009 when a bunch Bass Man's Buddies decided to Post the lure was not available in stores!! They had all Sold OUT. The reason they sold out was that people that actually new how to fish used them all up catching a bunch of fish. If you never tried it but judged it from a QVC T.V. Show then that explains bad comments about the Lure!! This Lure has caught more fish then any soft plastic worm, shacky head, jig, pop-r, rattle trap, or spinner bait combined. This is a Exclusive Lure that works great because the actual fall rate is Perfect, and the Glide is more of a natural fall then a plastic worm. The lure catches fish on the drop, sitting on the bottom, or being pulled in. Most strikes are on the fall as other soft plastics are sitting on the bottom before the fish takes it. A REALLY GOOD LURE. If you have any old kits post them on Ebay and I bet they sell supper fast!!!! That's the Biggest Proof. LMAO.
Flying Lure?

Any relation to the Helicopter Lure?

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